GITAM PG Admit Card 2023 | Exam Pattern, Instructions, GITAM HallTicket UG, PG Courses

GITAM PG Admit Card

GITAM PG Admit Card  | GITAM GAT PG 2023 Admit Card / Hall Tickets & Exam Pattern, Instructions Follow

GITAM PG Admit Card  GITAM, or Gandhi School of Technology and GITAM School of Business, was founded in 1980 by an inspired group of eminent intellectuals and industrialists from Andhra Pradesh. It provides courses in Engineering, Management, Pharmacy, Science and Humanities, Law, and other fields. Students must pass the GITAM Aptitude Test in order to be admitted to GITAM (GAT). GITAM UG Admit Card 2023.

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GITAM Admit Card 2023

GITAM PG Admit Card  GAT 2023 admit cards will be distributed to applicants at least one week prior to the exam date. Candidates are advised to keep an eye out for the Notification. They must obtain their respective admit cards from the official website. Candidates must enter their email address/application number and password in order to download the admit card. The GAT 2023 Admit Card/Hall Ticket is a necessary document.

GITAM Hall Ticket 2023

The GITAM UG & PG main and semester regular/supplementary examinations will be held in November 2023. The exam is scheduled to begin on November 15, 2023. The GITAM online Hall Tickets for all upcoming UG/PG Examinations were released today, November 12, 2023. Candidates must enter a registration number in order to obtain admit cards. Download the exam location, date, and reporting time. Nobody will be allowed into the testing centre unless they have a ticket.

Download Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management (GITAM Institute) Under Graduation Admit Card 

GITAM GAT PG 2023 exam will be held from March 31 to April 3, 2023. The deadline to apply for the exam is March 26, 2023. The Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management administers the exam on an annual basis (GITAM Institute). The GITAM entrance exam is held at the university level to enroll qualified candidates in Undergraduate Engineering and Pharmacy programmes. Candidates can reserve an exam slot. Candidates are admitted to GITAM University, which has campuses in three cities: Vishakhapatnam, Bengaluru, and Hyderabad. Read the article for more information on the GITAM GAT PG 2023 exam, including the Application Procedure, Eligibility Criteria, Exam Pattern, and more.

GAT 2023 Admit Card Dates 

 GAT 2023 Admit Card Dates 
GAT admit card 2023 release date Week prior to the exam
GAT exam date 2023  GAT (All Programs Phase 1): 31st March 2023 to 3rd April 2023
GAT admit card 2023 issuing authority GITAM (exam conducting body)
GAT official website  Official website
GAT admit card 2023 login link login link
Details required to log in and get GAT admit card 2023 Registered email id and password

Details on the GAT Admit Card 2023

The GAT Admit Card contains important information such as the candidate’s name, roll number, and other personal information.

The Following information will be printed on the GAT admit card:

  • Candidate’s surname
  • The candidate’s registration number
  • GAT test date
  • Exam location Exam time
  • Other GAT-Related Information

GAT Admit Card Important Instructions 2023

Here are some important GAT (Graduate Aptitude Test) admit card instructions to remember:

  1. GAT Admit card is a Required Document: The GAT Admit card is a Required Document that you must Bring to the Examination Hall. You will not be permitted to take the test unless you have it.
  2. Check the details: Before printing the admit card, make sure to verify all the details mentioned on it, such as your name, photograph, signature, exam center, date and time of the exam, etc. In case of any discrepancies, immediately contact the exam authorities.
  3. Print multiple copies: It is always advisable to print multiple copies of the admit card, so that you have a backup in case one of them gets lost or damaged.
  4. Follow instructions: Read the instructions mentioned on the admit card carefully and follow them. For example, if it is mentioned that you need to carry a photo identity proof along with the admit card, make sure to carry it.
  5. Reach the exam center on time: Make sure to reach the exam center well before the reporting time mentioned on the admit card. This will give you enough time to complete the entry formalities and avoid any last-minute rush.
  6. Don’t carry prohibited items: Do not carry any prohibited items such as mobile phones, electronic gadgets, calculators, etc. to the exam center. If you are found in possession of any such items, your candidature may be cancelled.
  7. Adhere to the dress code: Some exams have a specific dress code. Make sure to read the instructions carefully and adhere to the dress code.
  8. Do not tamper with the admit card: Do not tamper with the admit card in any way. If it is found that the admit card has been tampered with, your candidature may be cancelled.
  9. Preserve the admit card: Preserve the admit card until the completion of the admission process. It may be required at various stages of the admission process.

Remember, the GAT admit card is an important document that must be carried to the examination hall. Follow these instructions carefully to avoid any last-minute hassles. Good luck!

GITAM GAT PG 2023 Exam Pattern

The candidates must have complete knowledge about the GITAM GAT PG 2023 Exam Pattern as this information will help the candidates to become familiar with the question paper structure. This will enable the candidates to get good marks in the entrance exam. GITAM GAT PGTP Question paper format is given in the table below:

GITAM GAT PG Exam Pattern :

Exam Mode Online Computer Based Test (CBT)
Language Medium English
Exam Duration 2 Hours
Total Number of Questions 100
Total Marks 400
Type of Questions Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
Marking Scheme 4 Marks for Each Correct Answer
Negative Marking 1 Mark Deduction for Each Incorrect Answer
Sections 3 (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics)
Number of Questions in Each Section Physics – 30, Chemistry – 30, Mathematics – 40

Note: The Exam Pattern is Subject to Change as per the Discretion of the Exam Conducting Authority. It is Always Recommended to Check the Official Website for the latest Exam Pattern and Updates.

How To Download GITAM GAT PG Admit Card

To download the GITAM GAT PG (GITAM Admission Test for Post Graduate programs) Admit Card, please follow the steps given below:

  1. Visit the official website of GITAM University @
  2. Click on the “Admissions” tab on the homepage and select “GAT (PG)” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Click on the “Download Admit Card” link.
  4. Enter your Application Number and Date of Birth in the respective fields.
  5. Click on the “Submit” button.
  6. Your GITAM GAT PG Admit Card will appear on the screen.
  7. Check all the details mentioned on the admit card, including your name, photograph, signature, exam center, date and time of the exam, etc.
  8. Download the admit card and take a printout.
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