AP Women Teachers State Award Selection list 2018 Female Teachers Awards list Download

AP Female/ Women Teachers State Awards Guidelines on Savithri Bhai Pule Jayanthi 2018, Application Form of 2nd Women Teacher Smt Savitribhai Phule, Eligibility Criteria, Selection Procedure, Guidelines for selection of women teachers, How to apply, Women Teacher Awards application form, Last date for apply, Selection list of state best women teachers. AP State Conduct Women Teachers State Award 2018 function of Smt. Savitribai Phule Jayanthi celebrations. How to Apply for State Awards to the Female Teachers 2018 Guidelines and Application form, Eligibility Instructions, AP RC 82 inviting the applications for State Awards to the Women Teachers for the year 2018. Lady Teachers State awards are presenting in memory of Smt Savitribhai Phule birth day on 3rd January of every year in the state of Andhra Pradesh as she was the 1st Women Teacher in India. Only Female teachers with at least 20 years of Teaching experience and who are actually working as Teachers/Headmasters in Government/ Zilla Parishad /Municipalities and Aided Institutions only shall be considered. This doesn’t apply to Special Officers and CRTs of KGBVs.

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AP State Awards Female Teachers 2018 Savitribai Phule Jayanthi celebrations

Women Teachers State Awards Guidelines on Savithri Bhai Pule Jayanthi 2018 Female Teachers State Award Application form Download
Women Teachers State Award 2018 Instructions 

1. G.O.Rt. No. 434 Education (Ser. IV) Department, dt: 23.08.2000.
2. Govt. Memo. No. 10174/Ser. IV-2/2002-1, Edn (Ser.IV) Dept, dt: 05.08.2002.
3. G.O.Rt.No. 500 Education (Trg. I) Department, dt: 02.09.2002.

Note : Smt.Savitribhai Phule 1st Women Teacher in India, Celebrations on 3rd January 2018 
AP Government have decided to conduct Smt Savitribhai Phule birth day on 3rd January of every year in the state of Andhra Pradesh as she was the 1st Women Teacher in India.

AP State Best Women Teacher Award Application, Best Female Teacher Award Application Form 2018 Savitribai Phule Ward Guidelines Information, Savitribai Phule Information In English Savitribai Phule Wikipedia Savitribai Phule In Telugu State Best Teacher Award Application 2018.

State Level Women Teacher Awards in the following two categories:

1. Regular female teachers from govt/Local body/aided schools
2. Special Officers and Contract Resident Teachers from Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas, being schools specially run for the girls by all female teachers.

Conditions of eligibility of Teachers for considering for the State Awards :

a) Only Female teachers with at least 20 years of Teaching experience and who are actually working as Teachers/Headmasters in Government/ Zilla Parishad /Municipalities and Aided Institutions only shall be considered. This doesn’t apply to Special Officers and CRTs of KGBVs.
b) Normally, retired teachers are not eligible for the Awards, but those Teachers who have served a part of the academic year may be considered, if they otherwise fulfill the conditions.
c) Teachers from the above institutions of Physically and Mentally handicapped are also eligible for the Awards provided they fulfill as other prescribed conditions.
d) Members of the Inspectorate and the Staff of Training Colleges are not eligible for the Awards.

Main Considerations for Selection of Teachers:-

a) Special Work done for raising the Standard of Education.
b) Teaching Methodology being followed by the teacher.
c) Inculcating Interest in extracurricular activities among the students.
d) Educational innovative writing useful to the students.
e) Community Mobilizations/ Social Work/ Community Services
f) Gender sensitization & Girls Education
g) Women Empowerment.
h) Special efforts of teacher to improve enrollment, and retention.
i) Sincerity and Commitment towards the job and regularity of attendance Willingness to work in Interior areas.
j) Strengthening of national integration like – NCC/ Scouts & Guides/NSS/ Other activities.
k) Cultural Programs at District and state level.
l) Interest in the helping the CWSN/ Back ward students/Health camps.
Further it is requested that the Chairmen of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan to give wide publicity of the programme through News Papers or any other local mass media. The proforma of the recommendations shall be communicated by the District Educational Officer to the Inspecting Officers under their jurisdiction.

Award Amount : Cash Award of Rs.10,000/-,Tablet and Merit Certificate.
 The last date for submission of proposals by the Inspecting Officer (Mandal Educational Officer/Deputy Educational Officers) to the District Educational Officer is 24-12- 2018.I request you to scrutinize the proposals received from the Inspecting Officer as per the guidelines issued already and submit the same with their specific recommendations so as to reach the undersigned on-or-before: 24.12.2018 without fail.

Further, the Project Officers of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan & District Educational Officers are instructed to submit the information in the prescribed proforma and. A word document of the same may be emailed to mail id siematap@gmail.com while sending a hard copy of the proposal to this office by 24.12.2018.
➣ AP Women Teachers State Awards 2018 Selection list Download

AP State Awards to Women Teachers 2018 Instructions Download

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