ESR Complete Process by 25th August, 2020 – How to Completion of ESR Instructions

Complete E-SR Before 25th August All AP Govt Employees | Filling of e-SR Digital Module before 25th August 2020

ESR Complete Process by 25th August, 2020 – How to Completion of ESR Instructions. AP CFMS- Implementation of Human Capital Management Module in all HODS- Request to issue instructions to all HODs under your control to expedite the filing of Service events (SR) in e SR module and to attend the meeting scheduled. As the Employee Self Service & Employee Life Cycle Management sub-modules are dependent on past events, converting existing physical Service Registers into digital form (e-SR) is the key to run ESS and ELCM processes in HCM.

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ESR Complete Process by 25th August, 2020 – How to Completion of ESR Instructions

1. GO MS.No 99 (Finance HRII-FR) Dept dated 27-06-2018
2. Lr No 2207/PFS/Peshi dated 01-05-2020
I am to inform that Phase Il of Comprehensive Financial Management System(CFMS), being implemented by the Finance Department covers the Human Capital Management (HCM) & Works Management modules.

ESR Complete Process by 25th August, 2020 - How to Completion of ESR Instructions
ESR Complete Process by 25th August, 2020

The HCM module, covers the total life cycle of employees & pensioners, right from entry into service to exit on superannuation including conversion to a pensioner through Employee Self Service (ESS) & includes Standard Payroll run process of SAP & has the following salient features.

1. Maintenance of all Organisation Units (Offices) along with relationships
2. Maintenance of Department wise Cadre strength.
3. Maintenance of Organisation Unit wise positions (cadre strength).
4. Maintenance of Employee Master Data.
5. Pay Structures & Centralised Payroll processing system.
6. Electronic Service Register
7. Service Rules Master and System driven Service Rules Engine
8. Employee Self Services (ESS) – Employee leave requests, Loan requests, etc.
9. Employee Life Cycle Management (ELCM) – Promotions, transfers, increments, etc.
10. Secured data management and role based access controls

How to fill e SR Online Process Video

This module is implemented successfully on a Pilot basis in five departments, under administrative control of the Finance Department from 1st April 2020.

  • To roll out the module in all Departments, a meeting was already convened by Finance Department on 6th May 2020 with all Finance Nodal Officers of (35) Secretariat Departments to underline the need to implement the HCM module and also to demonstrate the key process covered in this module along with process changes.
  • As the Employee Self Service & Employee Life Cycle Management sub-modules are dependent on past events, converting existing physical Service Registers into digital form (e-SR) is the key to run ESS and ELCM processes in HCM. Therefore, it is imperative to capture all past events as recorded in physical Service Registers. Further, the digitized e-SR, with which the pay bills are now being generated in HRMS (DDO request application) have to be confirmed by DDOs and authenticated by the Treasury Officers to ensure the correctness before transferring them to HCM module of CFMS.
  • This e-SR will serve as the single source of truth and future HR events are driven by these records and form the basis for generation of payroll. An internal review on e-SR data entry during this week revealed that the progress of data entry by various departments has been very slow.
  • The second crucial element for HR automation is the Service rule Engine. In this engine, all the Departmental service rules are codified and digitized. Logins have been provided to all the Hods to verify and confirm the codified service rules. This confirmation is also not progressing as expected and further impetus is needed to complete this activity.

The following activities have to be taken up on priority basis so that the HCM module can be implemented smoothly in all departments.

1. Employee events as recorded in physical Service Registers have to be fed into Electronic Service Registers through the application provided for it. The application is active and logins are provided to all employees and DDOs for data entry and confirmation.
2. The Data as available in HRMS (DDO request application) has to be confirmed by the DDOS and upon confirmation have to be verified the concerned Treasuries auditing the DDOS.
3. Data entry and confirmation of service rules of each department in the application provided by APCFSS.
I request you to issue instructions to all the HODs under your control to expedite the data entry of Departmental service rules and e-SR entry of all the employees and complete the process latest by 25th August, 2020 & also nominate one Nodal officer from each HOD for this purpose.

Downlaod ESR Complete Process Instructions 

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