CFMS Validation of Human Resources DATA by HODs of AP- GO 39 CFMS Online Salaries

GO MS No 39 CFMS Validation of Human Resources DATA by HODs of AP Public Services – Finance Department –Comprehensive Financial Management System (CFMS) Online Salaries Update Process –APCFSS – Steps to Follow for Validating and Confirming HR DATA to be loaded in CFMS, Validation of Human Resources Data by the Secretariat Departments and HODs –Orders – Issued. APCFSS has developed a tool and training was given on this tool over a few sessions and also required user manuals and training videos were posted on the tool site. Most of the departments have entered the data in the tool and submitted to enable the CFMS team to extract the same for loading into CFMS.

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CFMS Validation of Human Resources DATA by HODs of AP GO 39

In an effort to establish state-of-the art IT applications for effective Public Finance Management, the Government has decided to establish a Comprehensive Financial Management System (CFMS), which would provide seamless and dynamic interface with all stakeholders and facilitate effective financial management.

Finance Department is in the process of operationalizing the Comprehensive Financial Management System (CFMS), which is being implemented on the SAP back-bone. Andhra Pradesh Centre for Financial Systems and Services (APCFSS) has already been assigned as the nodal agency for undertaking the end to end tasks of this implementation and continued support and maintenance of this application. As part of this, APCFSS is entrusted to undertake co-ordination with SAP, the Systems Integrator for CFMS, and with other 3rd party vendors and various government departments who are the stakeholders.

Vide the reference cited above, instructions were issued to all the Secretariat Departments and Heads of the Departments (HODs) to identify and enter all the offices (Organisational Units); define the sanctioned strength, working strength with the list of Posts (Positions) and their relevant information (Job/Post Category) and determine who (Person) is sitting in each of these posts. Additionally, they were also asked to determine the relationship between the Positions/Persons, viz. which Position/Person reports to which Position/Person. For this activity, APCFSS has developed a tool and training was given on this tool over a few sessions and also required user manuals and training videos were posted on the tool site. Most of the departments have entered the data in the tool and submitted to enable the CFMS team to extract the same for loading into CFMS.

CFMS team extracted the data from the tool and loaded the same to the CFMS application. On review of the extracted and loaded data, it has been observed that there are many gaps and inconsistencies with the data provided in the tool. Also, few differences are identified in comparison to the similar data provided to the General Administration Department for the purposes of Aadhar Enabled Bio-metric Attendance System.

It has been brought to the attention of the Government by the APCFSS team that accuracy of the HR data is a critical need for the CFMS. Establishing the state wide structures of the departments, structures of the individual offices and identifying people to positions in every office are important prerequisites for the departments/users being able to prefer and process bills and for employee related payments like salaries/wages/arrears/allowances. In view of the inconsistencies in the data provided, APCFSS team has proposed that only HOD/Department validated data may be loaded to the CFMS production system and also proposed an online tool for reviewing and confirming the data. Detailed instructions with screenshots of the tool for the purpose of data validation is provided as an Annexure.

This concern has been outlined in the video conference dt. 09.03.2018 and since CFMS is going to be the single source of truth, all the departments have been instructed by the Hon’ble CM also to complete this data validation and confirmation or ensure providing missing data/incomplete data in a timely manner.

The Government after careful examination of the matter, hereby, permit APCFSS and the CFMS implementation team to launch the tool for Human Resources data validation. All the HODs (including the Secretariat Departments) are hereby instructed to log-on to the tool and perform the data validation and confirm the data. For correcting the differences, they are required to follow the instructions provided in the Annexure to get them corrected. Only confirmed data will be loaded to CFMS production system. It is in the interest of the departments to confirm this data so as to enable themselves to perform the activities in CFMS starting from April, 2018. Therefore, it is instructed that this data validation and confirmation activity must be completed on or before 17th March, 2018. If confirmation is not carried out by this time, the data will be taken up for loading to CFMS production system only after 29th March, 2018 on a first come first serve basis.

All the Spl. Chief Secretaries, Principal Secretaries, Secretaries to the Government and HODs are hereby request to issue necessary instructions and ensure the timely completion of this activity for their respective departments and ensure their success in using the CFMS for carrying out the tasks related to preferring all types of bills and processing of the same (including all types of payments such as salaries, works bills, vendor payments etc.)

Steps to Follow for Validating and Confirming HR DATA to be loaded in CFMS

To Validate & Confirm the HR data of a particular HOD and its Sub-ordinate offices, HOD must log on to the Portal and navigate through the services provided in the application. The following steps are to be followed to log on to Portal:

  • Open the web browser
  • Enter the website address as
  • The Login Page of the application is displayed as shown below.

Login page

HOD needs to enter the username and password to login into the website.

After successful login, HOD can view the following two buttons (links) in home page as shown.

CFMS Validation of Human Resources DATA by HODs of AP GO 39
CFMS Validation of Human Resources DATA by HODs of AP

1. View Data in CFMS
2. Confirm Data
Home Page

  1. The data entered in HR data capturing tool (i.e. has been uploaded into CFMS application. User must verify the data uploaded in SAP CFMS application before confirming it.
  2. Click on ‘View Data in CFMS’ button, System will navigate to CFMS application as shown.
  3. To view department hierarchy and positions, user needs to select the department name and click on ‘Department Hierarchy’ button.
  4. To view ‘Team view-Person’ in the department, user needs to select ‘Team view- Person’ button shown.
  5. After verifying the data in CFMS application and validating its correctness, HOD can confirm the data in website.
  6. Select the Confirm HR data button as shown.
  7. HOD can select the check box appearing in ‘confirm unit details’ column to confirm the data of a particular unit. Select check box in ‘confirm sub ordinate offices details’ column to confirm the data of all its sub-ordinate offices and press the confirm button.
  8. Once HOD clicks on Confirm button, the details of Organization units appear as shown below.
  9. Selects the “Confirm & Digital Sign” button to confirm the data by Digital signing with token
  10. To digital sign the HR data, HOD needs to connect the digital key (USB) to his computer and click on ‘Confirm and Digital Sign’ button.
  11. Once HOD clicks on ‘Confirm and Digital Sign’ button, the Digital signing process will start and system will ask the digital key password. (User must wait till the system prompts for password)
  12. Select the Check box and click on ‘Run’ button to proceed in the process of digital signing. Screen appears as follows
  13. Provide digital key password and click on ‘OK’ button
  14. Once Password is entered, the system will generate the digital sign PDF with organization unit HR data.

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