BRAG CET Inter 2023 APSWREIS Inter Notification | How to APSWR Junior College Admission Online Apply

BRAG CET Inter, APSWREIS Inter Notification How to APSWR Junior College Admission Online Apply

BRAG CET Inter 2023 APSWREIS Inter Notification | How to APSWR Junior College Admission Online Apply

Dr.BR Ambedkar Gurukalams BRAG CET Inter 2023 APSWREIS Inter Notification | How to APSWR Junior College Admission Online Apply  APSWREIS Inter Admission Notification. APSWR Junior Colleges Junior Intermediate MPC, Bi.PC and MEC Admissions 2023 BRAG CET Admissions Into 1st Year Intermediate of 163 APSWR Junior Colleges For The Academic Year 2023-24 detailed Notification Download. APSWREIS Inter notification 2023.

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BRAG CET Inter 2023 APSWREIS Inter Notification | How to APSWR Junior College Admission Online Apply

Dr.BR Ambedkar Gurukalams (BRAG CET 2023) APSWR Jr college Intermediate admissions Online Application form 2023. Andhra Pradesh Social Welfare Residential Educational Society Intermediate Admissions Notification released. This Admission Notification is for admission into 1st year intermediate of 163 APSWR Junior Colleges for the Academic Year 2023-24. Detailed Notification, Schedule, List of APSWR Junior Colleges is available below.

BRAG CET Inter 2023 APSWREIS Inter Notification | How to APSWR Junior College Admission Online Apply

Who are Interest candidates can register for APSWREIS Inter admission 2023 before on 31st March, 2023. APSWR Junior college Online application form starts from 8th March 2023, Interested candidates can fill the APSWR Jr college admission 2023  Application Form from the official website

How to apply APSWREIS Inter Admissions :

  • First Candidates visit APSWREIS Intermediate Admission Online Apply
  • Click on APSWREIS Intermediate Admission Tab
  • Now Shown APSWREIS Intermediate Admission Application form
  • Candidates Application Submission time Very Carefully read Notification
  • Finally   fillup Submit and Application Download and Save it.

Following are the norms for admissions in Intermediate 1st year:


(a) The students should have passed SSC in first attempt in June 2023
(b) The students should apply within his/her own district.
(c) Students who studied Telugu Medium in 10th Class are also eligible to apply in English Medium Colleges.
(d) Boys have to apply in Boys Colleges and Girls have to apply in Girls Colleges only.
(e) If the group desired by the student is not available in the same district, the student can apply in other district of the same Zone.


The age of the student shall not exceed 17 years as on 31.08.2023. In case of the students studied in APSWR Schools and S.W. Hostels relaxation of 1 year will be given to.


The annual income of the parent of the applicant should not exceed Rs.1,00,000/- per annum, which should be certified by MRO

Reservation :

The reservation pattern for all categories will be as follows:

a. Scheduled caste 75%
b. SC – converted Christian 12%
c. Scheduled Tribes 6%
d. Backward Classes 5%
e.Other castes 2%

1. Out of 87% [75% for SCs and 12% SC converted Christians], 75% of seats are reserved for the students who have studied in APSWR Institutions and SW Hostels, remaining 25% seats will be given to open competition among SC students including SC converted Christians, viz., those who studied in any other recognized institutions. For selection of SC students, the Society will follow G.O.Ms.No.25 Social Welfare (SCP) Department dated.01.05.2015.

2. For 13% Quota meant for ST(6%), BC(5%) and OC(2%) seats are reserved only to the students studied in APSWR institutions and SWR Hostels. In the circumstances, the seats are not filled with APSWR Institutions/SW Hostels, the seats will be filled with BC,ST,OC students, who have studied in any other recognized institutions as per the merit.

3. 3% of overall seats will be reserved for the Physically challenged children who can attend their work without anybody’s help, based on the certificate issued by the Medical Board.

4. 3% overall seats will be reserved under sports quota, .

i] Senior Nationals
ii] All India sports Meet
iii] junior/Youth Nationals
iv] Inter University Tournaments
v] National School Games
vi] Mini or Sub-junior Nationals
vii] Women Sports Festival
viii] State/District /Tribal Sports/CM Cup

5. 3% of the seats are to be earmarked for orphans/destitute in the age which is appropriate to class applied in Residential Schools / Residential Jr. Colleges run by welfare departments and Education department as per G.O.Ms.No.47, Dated 31.08.2010 of women & Child welfare Department.

If no sufficient applications are received from outsiders, the vacancies will be filled in by students of APSWREIS and SW Hostel students.

a] The candidates can obtain application form duly downloading from the website
b] The list of (163) APSWR Junior Colleges with groups, sanctioned seats for the academic year 2023-24 is enclosed herewith as Annexure-A. for applying to the Junior Colleges.
c] The Last Date for submission of online applications is 31.03.2023 upto 10.00 pm
d) The list of selected students will be placed in the website.
e] Intermediate 1st Year classes for the selected students will commencement 12.06.2023.
f] For any other details the following District Coordinators of APSWREI Society may be contacted

APSWREIS / APTWREIS Jr College Admission Model Application form

Note : Details furnished in the application are final. Subsequent requests for corrections will not be entertained.


1 .Aadhar Number(UID) *
2 .Name of the candidate *
3 .Father Name *
4 .Date of Birth * dd/mm/yyyy
5.Gender *
6a. Address *
6b. Pincode *
6c. Mobile *

Address for Communication

District *
Mandal *
Village *
Door-No: *
Street: *
Locality: *
Pin Code: *

Are you a Minority Student * Yes/ No
Are you a PTG * Yes/ No
Reservation Category *
Sub Caste *
Are you a Child of an Agency Area Employee ?* Yes/ No
Whether the Anual Income of Parent is below Rs.1,00,000(2017-2018) * Yes / No
Are you an orphan/destitute? * Yes/ No
Are you eligible for sports quota? *Yes/ No
Does the candidate belong to PHC category? *

7. Native District *
8. Native Mandal *

SSC Details

District *
Mandal *
Studied in Institution *
Social Welfare Residential School
Other Resdential / Govt / Private Aided / Private Un Aided / KGBV /
Any Other School
Select School *
Medium of Instruction *
SSC Hall Ticket No *
SSC Result *
Preferences ( More than One Group may be Selected for Admission Preference

Preference of Group * MPC BPC MEC CEC HEC AT(Vocational) CGA(Vocational) Preference of Medium * Telugu Medium/ English Medium
Choose District for Admission *

I declare that the particulars furnished above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and i shall abide by the rules of the society regarding admissions.

I accept the above declaration
APSWREIS Notification 2023 Official website :
APSWREIS Inter 1st year admissions 2023 notification, Apply Online link here

2 thoughts on “BRAG CET Inter 2023 APSWREIS Inter Notification | How to APSWR Junior College Admission Online Apply”


    Hello sir/madam,
    Candidate name in application form for intermediate (girls) is wrongly entered. Is there any chance to edit it or can I withdraw my application .
    Please help me.
    Thank you

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