AP TS Teachers EL Important GO RMSA, RVM Summer duty

AP TS Teachers EL Important GO RMSA, RVM Summer duty. AP TS Teachers EL Important GO RMSA, RVM Summer duty.Guidelines on utilization of the Annual School Grants and Minor Repair Grant under AWP&B of RMSA . RMSA School Annual Grant Utilization Guidelines, All the Head of institutions of Secondary Schools (Local Body Govt, Ashram KGBVs / APREIS/ APSWREI, Society in the District are informed that the Commissioner and Director of School Education and Ex. Officio Project Director RMSA, Hyderabad will release the annual grants Rs.50,000/- and Miner repairs Rs.25,000/- per each school through the reference cited and it will be adjusted in their bank accounts through online. RMSA School Annual Grants 2019-20 Utilization Guidelines AP RMSA School Grants. The Grants are released to those schools who submitted the utilization the school grants released during 2018-19. AP RMSA School Annual Grant Utilization Guidelines and Instructions.

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Dt.18.05.2011 EL’s to RVM Trainings in Summer 2011
ELs to RVM Trainings 1st to 10th June’2010  RC.212 RMSA-MAY 2011
RMSA Summer Training-2012 Preservation of ELs RC.6 Dt.30-10-13
RMSA ELs 07-05-2011

Teachers EL’s Imp. G.O’s RVM Training EL’s G.O’s 

EL’s to RVM-Trainings in summer 2012 

SSC Exams duty EL’s G.O’s

Rc.132 Dt 16-5-12 Intsructions to HMs to attend SSC work-Preservation of ELs for during summer vacation
Rc.132 dt.30.5.2013 Preservation of ELs for SSC Advance Sulementary Exams 2013
SSC Suplementary Exams – E.L. RC.No. 132. Dt. 9-6-2011

Imp. Earned Leaves in Summer Duties

Census E.L. Memo. dt.22-11-2010
C E L Trainingat Banglore 30days Earned Leaves
G.O No.35ummer Holidays duty 
GO.194 dt.22.9.14 Revised Orders on Final Encashment Value of ELs due to AP Reorganization Act 2014
G.O No.153 Earned Leaves Enhance 120 to 180days
Rc.132 dt.14.5.14 SSC Adv.Supplementary 2014 Duty to HMs and Clearical Staff of High Schools_ELs Preservation
Rc.362 dt.16.11.13 Guidelines and Instructions for Preservation of Earned Leaves to Teachers
Rc.No.3337 dt 20.06.2012 Socaial Welfare Employees EL Preservation
Surender of Earned Leave.  Memo.No. 14781. Dt.22.06.2011
E.L.for election related work Memo.No.20214


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