AP State Level Police Direct Recruitment Board Raising of upper age limit by 2 years

AP Home Department – Direct Recruitment – Raising of upper age limit by 2 years  for the ongoing recruitment through Andhra Pradesh State Level Police  Recruitment Board as a one-time measure – Orders – Issued as per G.O.MS.No. 181 Dated: 16-11-2018

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AP State Level Police Direct Recruitment Board Raising of upper age limit by 2 years 

  • G.O. Ms.No.515, Home (Police.C) Dept., dated. 13.10.1999.  
  • G.O.Ms.No.153, Finance (HR.I-Plg & Policy) Dept., dt.19-09-2018.  
  • Letter received from the DGP, A.P., Lr.Rc.No.215 /R&T / Rect.2/2018,  
  • dated 14-11-2018.  
  • Notification No.216/R&T/Rect.1/2018, dated. 01.11.2018.  
  • Notification No. Rc.No.215/R&T/ Rect.2/2018, dated. 12.11.2018.  

In the reference first read above, orders were issued according permission  for direct recruitment to fill a total of 18450 (Eighteen thousand four hundred  and fifty) vacancies in different categories through direct recruitment of which,
15,313 vacant posts are under the purview of A.P. Public Service Commission  and 3,137 vacant posts are under the purview of A.P. State Level Police  Recruitment Board.

The Director General of Police, A.P. Mangalagiri in the reference 2nd read  above has stated that, notifications were already issued vide Notification No.216 /R&T/ Rect.1 /2018, dt.01-11-2018 and Rc.No.215/R&T/Rect .2/2018, dt.12-11- 2018 for recruitment of the above posts except Asst. Public Prosecutors and  Driver Operators, for which notifications will be issued separately as the process of recruitment is different.

The age limit prescribed for the above posts is mentioned below:

He has also stated that several representations have been received from  the aspirants requesting for enhancement of upper age limit as the recruitment  is being conducted after a gap of two years since 2016 and as Govt., have  recently enhanced upper age limit for recruitment to non-uniformed posts.

The Director General of Police, A.P., has requested the Govt., to consider
enhancement of upper age limit by two years or as deemed fit, as a one-time  measure for all the above categories of posts. Early orders of the Government  were solicited in the matter.

After careful examination of the issue, Government hereby issue orders
for enhancement of upper age limits given in para 3 above, by two years, for  the ongoing recruitment through A.P. Sate Level Police Recruitment Board, as a  one-time measure for all the above categories of posts.

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