AP SSC Spot valuation New rates 2024 – 10th Public Exams Centers Remuneration Enhanced Rates
AP SSC Spot valuation Enhanced Rates 2024 – AP 10th Public Exams Centers Remuneration Rates: AP 10th Class Exams Spot valuation Revised rates Andhra Pradesh SSC Spot valuation Enhanced Rates Andhra Pradesh / Telangana SSC Public Exams Invigilators Remuneration, Chief Superintendent Remuneration, SSC Public Examination Centers Departmental Officer / Addl. Departmental Officer Remuneration Enhanced Rates and 10th Class Examinations Spot Valuation Camp Officer, Dy. Camp Officer, Asst. Camp Officer, Chief Examiner, Asst. Examiner Remuneration Rates GO.ms.no 37 .
Read More: AP SSC Spot Valuation Remuneration Enhanced Rates 2024.
1. G.O.Ms.No. 23 Dt.31/03/2016, SSC Public Examination, Enhancement
2. G.O.Ms.No. 43, Dt.20/03/2009, Rates of Remuneration to SSC Public Examinations
3. G.O.Ms.No. 14,Dt.17/04/2010, SSC Public Examinations Spot valuation rates of remuneration
AP SSC invigilation & Spot Rates info: G.O.37, Dt 20.4.2023
- Invigilation Rates per day CS & DO & Sitting Squad: Rs.66/-
- Invigilator & Clerk: 33/-
- Attender one @100 Students: 20/-
- Waterman One(for 50 Students) : Rs.17/-
- Continent for Each student: Rs.10/-
- DA Per day for SAs and HMs Rs.400
- for others Rs.300/- & (G.O.101, Dt 11.5.2022)
- Camp Officer: rs.578
- Dy Camp Officer: Rs. 495 per day
- Asst camp officer: Rs.429 per day
- CE: Rs.396 per day
- AE: Rs.10 Per Script
- Spl Asst: Rs.300 per day
- Clerk: Rs.132 per day
- D.A For SA & MEO, HMs, DEO and DyEos Rs.400 Per day for Others Rs.300 per day
- No DA for Spl Assts
- D.A. will be paid only Nonlocal to those working within an 8 km radius of Spot Center.
- Sitting Charges can be drawn for paper storage and Post Exam material days also
AP SSC Spot valuation New rates 2024 – 10th Public Exams Centers Remuneration Enhanced Rates
AP / TS 10th Class Examinations Spot Valuation Remuneration Rates
AP / Telangana Government after careful examination of the matter here ordered for enhancement of rates of remuneration to the personnel drafted for conduct spot valuation work of SSC public examinations in March 2024. Andra Pradesh and Telangana States implementation remuneration of rates for Exam spot valuation candidates.

పది మూల్యాంకనం ధరల పెంపు
పదో తరగతి పరీక్షల ఇన్విజిలేషన్, మూల్యాంకనం రేట్లు పెంచుతూ పాఠశాల విద్యాశాఖ కమి షనర్ ఉత్తర్వులిచ్చారు.
- పరీక్షల నిర్వహణకు సంబంధించి గతంలో చీఫ్ సూపరింటెండెంట్, డిపార్ట్మెంట్ ఆఫీసర్లకు రోజుకు రూ.44 చెల్లిస్తుండగా, దానిని రూ.66కు పెంచారు.
- ఇన్విజిలేటర్ ఛార్జీ రూ.22 నుంచి 33కు పెంచారు.
- మూల్యాంకనంలో చీఫ్ ఎగ్జామినర్కు చెల్లించే పారితోషికం రోజుకు రూ.264 నుంచి రూ.396కు పెంచారు.
- అసిస్టెంట్ ఎగ్జామినర్ క్కు ఒక్కో పేపర్కు గతంలో రూ.6.60 పైసలు చెల్లిస్తుండగా, ఇప్పుడు రూ.10 లకు పెంచుతూ ఉత్తర్వులి చ్చారు.
Rates of Remuneration to the staff drawn for conducting the SSC Public Examinations:-
S.NO | Type of functionary | Existing Rates (Rs) | Revised Rates (Rs) |
1 | Chief Superintendent | 40/- per day | 44/- per day |
2 | Departmental Officer / Additional Departmental Officer | 40/- per day | 44/- per day |
3 | Invigilators (One for 20 candidates) | 20/- per day | 22/- per day |
4 | Clerks (One for each center) | 20/- per day | 22/- per day |
5 | Attendees (One for every 100 candidates) | 12/- per day | 13.20 per day |
6 | Waterman (One for every 50 candidates) | 10/- per day | 11/- per day |
7 | Sitting Squads | 40/- per day | 44/- per day |
8 | Contingencies | 2/- per candidate | 4/- per candidate |
II: Rates of Remuneration to the staff drawn for conducting spot valuation work of SSC Public Examinations:-
S.NO | Type of functionary | Existing Rates (Rs) | Revised Rates (Rs) |
1 | District Educational Officer and Camp Officer | 385/- per day | 578/- per day |
2 | Deputy Camp Officer (Strong Room) | 330/- per day | 495/- per day |
3 | Deputy Camp Officer (Administration) | 300/- per day | 330/- per day |
4 | Assistant Camp Officer | 286/- per day | 429/- per day |
5 | Chief Examiner | 264- per day | 396/- per day |
6 | Assistant Examiner (Script Valuation) | 6.60/- per script | 10 per script |
7 | Special Assistant | 137.50 per day | 300 per day |
8 | Clerical Assistants Jr. Asst / Sr. Asst / Superintendents | 88/- per day | 132 per day |
9 | Office Subordinates / Contingent employees | 55/- per day | 83 per day |
10 | Chief Coding Officer | 220/- | 330/- |
11 | Assistant Coding Officer | 198/- | 297/- |
12 | Tearing part of OMR (Part 1 per OMR) | 017/- | 0.30/- |
ఈ నెలలో జరిగే పరీక్షలు నుంచే ఇది అమల్లోకి వస్తుందని ఉత్తర్వుల్లో పేర్కొన్నారు.
Sl.no | Category of Personnel | Existing Rates (Rs per Day) | Revised Dates (Rs per Day) |
1 | Paper Setter (For Each paper) | 880 | 1320 |
2 | Translator (For Each paper) | 770 | 1155 |
3 | Moderator (For Each paper) | 770 | 1155 |
4 | Chief Superintendent | 44 | 66 |
5 | Departmental Officer /Additional Departmental Officer | 44 | 66 |
6 | invigilators (1 for 20 Candidates ) | 22 | 33 |
7 | Clerks (one for Each Center) | 22 | 33 |
8 | Attendees (one For Each 100 Candidates) | 13.20 | 20 |
9 | Waterman (one For Each 100 Candidates) | 11 | 17 |
10 | Sitting Squad / Flying Squad | 44 | 66 |
11 | Contingencies Per Candidate | 8 | 10 |
12 | Honorarium For Medical Staff ANM | 22 | 33 |
13 | District level Observers | 200 | 300 |
(ii ) Rates of Remuneration to the personal Drafted To True Coding Work and Valuation for SSC Public Examination
Sl.no | Category of Personnel | Existing Rates(RS Per Day) | revised Rates ( RS. per day) |
1 | Camp Officer | 385 | 578 |
2 | Dy. camp Officer (Strong Room) | 330 | 495 |
3 | Dy. camp Officer (Administration) | 330 | 495 |
4 | Asst. Camp Officer | 286 | 429 |
5 | Chief Examiner | 264 | 396 |
6 | Asst Examiner(per Script valuation) | 6.60 | 10 |
7 | Special Assistant | 137.50 | 300 |
8 | Clerical Assistant | 88 | 132 |
9 | Office SUB-Ordinates / Contingent Employees | 55 | 83 |
10 | Chief Coding Officer | 220 | 330 |
11 | Assistant Coding Officer | 198 | 297 |
12 | Tearing part of OMR(Part-1 Per OMR ) | 0.17 | 0.30 |
13 | Examiners For Preparing Principles of Valuation | 250 | 375 |
Download GO.ms.no 37 – SSC Exam Spot Valuation Remuneration Rates For persons Involved Latest – Click Here
SSC Public Examination Centers Conducting Staff Remuneration rates
- Chief Superintendent Rs.40/- per day
- Departmental Officer / Addl. Departmental Officer Rs.40/- per day
- Invigilators (One for 20 candidates) Rs.20/- per day
- Clerks (one for each center) Rs.20/- per day
- Attenders ( one for each 100 candidates) Rs.12/- per day
- Waterman (one for each 50 candidates) Rs.10/- per day
- Sitting squads Rs.40/- per day
- Contingencies Rs.5/- per candidate
SSC Public Examinations Spot valuation rates
- Chief Examiner Rs.240
- Asst. Examiner Rs.6 per valued script.
- Asst. camp Officer Rs.260
- Camp Officer-Rs.350 per day
- Dy. camp Officer Rs.300
- Spl. Asst Rs.125 per day
- Clerical Asst Rs.80 per day
- Office Subordinate Rs.50
- Paper Setter Rs.800
- Translator Rs.700
- Moderator Rs.7
* AP GO 22 SSC Public Examination, Enhancement Copy Download
* GO 43 Rates of remuneration to SSC Public Examinations Copy Download
* AP GO 22 SSC Public Examinations Spot valuation rates of remuneration Copy Download
Official Website | Click Here |
Q: What exactly is AP SSC Spot Valuation?
A: The process of evaluating the answer scripts of students who have appeared for the Secondary School Certificate (SSC) examination in the state of Andhra Pradesh is known as AP SSC Spot Valuation.
Q: Who performs the AP SSC Spot Valuation?
A: The AP SSC Spot Valuation is administered by the Andhra Pradesh Board of Secondary Education (BSEAP).
Q: When is the AP SSC Spot Valuation?
A: AP SSC Spot Valuation typically occurs immediately following the completion of the SSC examinations, which are held each year in March/April.
Q: Who are the AP SSC Spot Valuation examiners?
A: The examiners for AP SSC Spot Valuation are BSEAP-selected experienced and qualified teachers.
Q: How does the AP SSC Spot Valuation process work?
A:The examiners are given subject papers to evaluate. They go over each answer script and assign marks based on the BSEAP’s grading system. The procedure is usually carried out in a centralized location in the presence of board officials.
Q: What is the significance of AP SSC Spot Valuation?
A: The purpose of AP SSC Spot Valuation is to ensure fair evaluation of answer scripts and to maintain the examination system’s credibility.
Q: When are the results of the AP SSC exams usually released?
A:The results of the AP SSC examinations are usually announced in May/June each year.
Q: Is it possible to revalue answer scripts after the AP SSC Spot Valuation?
A:Yes, students can request revaluation of their answer scripts within a certain time frame after the results are announced. The revaluation process involves a different set of examiners scrutinizing answer scripts.