AP SCT Police Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Posts Physical Measurements Test (PMT) Exam Hall tickets

AP Police 494 Posts AP SCT Police Physical Efficiency Test (PET), AP SCT Police Physical Measurements Test (PMT) Hall tickets Download. Online Apply Stipendiary Cadet Trainee Police Constables (Communications) Physical Standards Running Requirements for men and Women, Selection process, Preliminary Selection Test, APLPRB Police Constable Notification 2016 AP Police exam and Interview date along with AP Police SCT Constable Syllabus Exam Pattern, Physical Standards Notification for filling up Stipendiary Cadet Trainee (SCT) Police Constable at http://recruitment.appolice.gov.in/job-list.

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AP Stipendiary Cadet Trainee Police Constables Posts PET and PMT Exam 

Physical Standards:

The candidates should meet the following requirements

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a) Height: Must not be less than 162 cms.
b) Chest: Must not be less than 84 cms round the chest on full inspiration with a minimum expansion of 4 cms.


a) Height: Must not be less than 152.5 cms
b) Weight: Must not be less than 40 kgs

NOTE :   However, the candidates belonging to Scheduled Tribes and Aboriginal tribes in the agency areas of Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, East Godavari and West Godavari districts should meet the following requirements:


a) Height: Must not be less than 160 cms.
b) Chest: Must not be less than 80 cms round the chest on full inspiration with a minimum expansion of 3 cms.


a) Height: Must not be less than 150 cms
b) Weight: Must not be less than 38 kgs

Selection Procedure/Scheme: – 

The Selection Procedure/Scheme of the Exam will be as follows:

A) Preliminary Selection Test:

No Preliminary Selection Test will be conducted for the above Post. After registration of their Online Application, candidates have to report for verification of certificates and Physical Measurements Test which will be mentioned in the Hall Tickets. This will be conducted at Vijayawada/ Guntur.

B) Physical Measurements Test (PMT)

The Physical Standards are mentioned at Para- 11above. All candidates who meet the required standards will be declared as qualified.

C) Physical Efficiency Test (PET)

All candidates declared qualified as above shall be required to attend 1600 Meters run (1 Mile Run) which is qualifying.

Male candidate must complete the run in 10 Minutes or less time.
Women candidate must complete the run in 12 Minutes 30 Seconds or less.

Final Written Examination:

Candidates who qualify in the above Physical Measurements Test and Physical Efficiency Test shall be required to appear for a final written examination in one paper (three hours duration) as given below.

Paper I Technical Paper (Objective in nature) (200 Questions) : 200 Marks

Download AP SCT Police Constables Details Below links 

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Syllabus and Exam Pattern for AP SCT Police Constables
AP SCT Police Constables (Communications) 494 Posts Notification
AP SCT Police Constables (Communications) Online Apply Link
Model Papers for AP SCT Police Constables

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1 thought on “AP SCT Police Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Posts Physical Measurements Test (PMT) Exam Hall tickets”

  1. Sir communication constable book was not in" ap " could u please send me previous papers

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