AP SA 2 Exam answer scripts 5% Evaluation Instructions to Special Team, HM, MEO and Subject Teachers

Summative 2 Exam Papers Evaluation of 5% of Answer Scripts of all Subjects will be randomly selected for Classes 6th to 10th ( VI to X ) and Evaluated by the Special Team. Instructions to Head Maters, Subject Teachers, MEOs and Dy. DEO for Mandal Level Committee to Evaluate of 5% of Answer Scripts. Mandal Level Evaluation Process by the Special team will start from Monday (26.09.2016) onwards. Evaluation work should complete by 03.10.2016.

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Summative 1 Exam Papers Evaluation Instructions to HM, MEO, Subject Teachers

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SA 1 Exam Papers Evaluation Instructions

AP School Education – Summative Assessment – I – Examinations – September-2016 – External Evaluation of 5% of Answer Scripts – Instructions for Special Teams, Mandal Level Committee and Headmasters – Issued – Regarding. Rc.No. 01/Spl/SA-I Exams/2016-17 Dt. 24 .09.2016.  

Read More :  GO 105 Summative Exam No external evaluation in AP Schools

Reference :

1. Rc.No.03/B/C&T/SCERT/ 2016 of The Commissioner of School Education-AP, Dt.16-07-2016
2. G.O.Ms No.105, School Education (Prog.II) Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh, Dated 20.09.2016.

In obedience of the instructions issued in the references cited, 5% of answer scripts of all Subjects of Summative-I will be randomly selected for Classes VI to X and Evaluated by the Special Team nominated by the District Educational Officer under the supervision of Deputy Educational Officer. Therefore the District Educational Officer is herby instructed all the Observers, Mandal Level Committees , Headmasters and Special Teams to follow the following instructions.

Instructions for Mandal Level Committee to Evaluate of 5% of Answer Scripts

  1. Identify the Subject Wise Qualified Teachers irrespective of management who were handling the Subject for more than 3 years
  2. Subject Wise Special teams to be arranged with identified teachers with approval of the concerned Deputy Educational Officer
  3. Assess the number papers to be evaluated from each school based on the Class Wise and Subject wise enrolment of concerned school.
  4. Identify the Evaluation Centre (Preferably MRC of concerned Mandal) and inform to concerned Deputy Educational Officer
  5. Mandal Level Committee Should select 5% of Answer Scripts randomly from each class, each subject and from each school (irrespective of Management) of your mandal.
  6. Utilize the proformas which were communicated earlier for External Evaluation for recording the marks awarded by the Special Team
  7. Arrangements to be made for smooth and proper evaluation at Mandal Level.

Evaluation work should complete by 03.10.2016

Instructions for Headmasters to Evaluate the Answer Scripts of Summative Examinations:

  • Take necessary steps to start the Valuation work on the next day after the completion of the Examination of concerned subject.
  • Instruct the Subject Teachers to complete the valuation work and handover the answer scripts with recording the marks after completion of valuation.
  • Hand over to the Mandal level Committee to select 5% Answer Scripts randomly from each subject and class after receiving the answer scripts from the subject teachers.

Mandal Level Evaluation Process by the Special team will start from Monday (26.09.2016) onwards.

Instructions for Identified Teachers for Special Teams to Evaluate the Answer Scripts of Summative Examinations:

  1. First Complete the Valuation of answer scripts of your subject
  2. Report to the Mandal Level Committee after completion of your valuation work at School Level of your subject.
  3. Evaluate the valuated Answer Scripts of other schools of your mandal and record the marks awarded by you and also record the marks already awarded by the concerned subject teachers of that school.
  4. Award the marks after read carefully each and every answer.

All the observers identified by the District Educational Officer are requested to Visit the allotted mandals daily and report the status of evaluation of work done at Mandal Level everyday to the Concerned Deputy Educational Officer without fail.

Further the Deputy Educational Officers are requested to verify the special teams identified by the Mandal Level committee whether qualified for evaluation of answer scripts or not and approve the qualified teachers for evaluation of answer scripts as a special team.

Further all the Deputy Educational Officers, Mandal Educational Officers, Observers and Mandal level Committee members are requested to monitor for smooth and proper Evaluation work.

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Instructions to HM, MEO, Subject Teachers for Summative 1 Exam Papers Evaluation

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