AP Rc.No. 293 Action Plan for improvement of the performance levels as per AAS 2015 Results

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AP Rc.No. 293 Action Plan for improvement of the performance levels as per AAS 2015 Results the achievement levels of children of class III, V and VIII in Telugu, English and Mathematics subjects

AP Proc.Rc.No. 293 /B1/C&T/SCERT/2015 Dated: 31-08-2015 Annual Achievement Survey  2015 Action Plan for improvement of the performance levels  Guidelines for Implementation Communicated AAS  2015 Results.

                    AP DSE intimate to All the District Educational Officers in the State are aware that the Annual Assessment Survey-2015 was conducted in the month of April 2015. the achievement levels of children of class III, V and VIII in Telugu, English and Mathematics subjects respectively.AAS Report Cards like State Card, District Card, Mandal Card, School Card and Student Card was generated and the same was uploaded in the website. The School Cards class wise were printed and sent to the respective DEOs for onward distribution to the schools through the concerned MEOs. Every School Action Plan has been prepared indicating the roles and responsibilities of various field functionaries i.e., Dy. EOs, MEOs, Complex Headmasters and concerned teachers for taking necessary action for the improvement of the achievement levels of low performing children (i.e., “C” Grade). The same is enclosed. Under the Action Plan student studying IV, VI and IX has to be considered for remedial teaching as they were tested in AAS in the classes of III, V and VIII during the academic year 2014-15.
                   Regarding VI class, some of the students after completing Primary school might have joined in nearby secondary schools in class VI. The Headmasters of the Secondary Schools shall be instructed to track the performance of these children who joined in their schools in class VI, with help of previous school headmaster and with the data available in the website. The modules consisting of special activities for three classes in three subjects to improve the performance of low grade children will be sent in no time and the same has to be uploaded in the respective district website.
                   Hence, they are requested to hold a meeting with Dy.EOs, MEOs to share Mandal wise results and discuss the Action Plan to be implemented for improvement of performance of children in the State. They are also requested to instruct the Dy. EOs and MEOs to hold similar meetings in their jurisdiction to discuss school wise results with the HMs and to collect list of low performing children school wise, class wise and submit to the DEOs for further course of action.      

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