#AP Rc 375 Primary Teachers Training Schedule 2015 1st Class to 5th classes in-service training batches Instructions Guidelines

#AP Rc 375 Primary Teachers Training Schedule 2015 1st Class to 5th classes in-service training batches  Instructions Guidelines

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AP PS teachers traing Proc. Rc. No. 375/B1/TE/ SCERT/ 2015 Dated: 21-07-2015. Conduct of in-service Teacher Training Programme for the teachers of Primary Schools / Sections at Mandal level from 3rd August to 11th September 2015 – Guidelines communicated.2015 PS Teachers Training Details

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Rc 375 AP Primary Teachers Training Schedule 2015 Instructions Guidelines
In continuation of the orders issued vide proceedings cited under reference, all the District Educational Officers, DIET Principals and Project Officers of SSA in the State are informed that the trainings at Mandal level in all three subjects i.e., Telugu, Mathematics and English shall be conducted for 5-days from 3rd August 2015 onwards. In view of this, the following guidelines are communicated for smooth conduct of In-service training programmes.

R.C.375   Primary School Teachers Training Schedule Spell Wise 

  1. 1st Spell :  (3-7 Aug. 2015) Telugu Maths English
  2. 2nd Spell : (10-14 Aug. 2015)Telugu Maths English
  3. 3rd Spell : (17-21 Aug. 2015) Maths English Telugu
  4. 4th Spell :  (24-28 Aug. 2015) Maths English Telugu
  5. 5th Spell : (31st Aug.- 4th Sep. 2015) English Telugu Maths
  6. 6th Spell : (7th – 11h Sep. 2015)   English   Telugu

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  1. PS trainings Each spell 5Days
  2. No training for single tchrs
  3. If 2techrs each 5days(Tel&Mat)
  4. If 3tchrs(tel,mat,Eng)
  5. More than 3,Each1spell.

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