AP RC 25 #Instructions for teachers Transfers #Relieving Orders Gr II HMs and Teachers

AP Teachers #Transfers relieving Instructions  ,  #Gr II HM relieving Instructions , Instructions of Transfers Teachers , Government, Zilla Parsihad, Mandal Praja Parishad Schools teachers Orders , Guidelines for Transfers Teachers Relieving , Instructions to Transfers Teachers joining Orders 

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AP Teachers Transfers relieving and joining Instructions Rc.No.25/Estt-III/2015   Dt.31-10-2015

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AP School Education –Resource Re-Distribution – Rationalization – Government, Zilla Parsihad, Mandal Praja Parishad Schools – Establishment of Adharsha Pradhmika Paatasala (Model Primary School) and Positive Consolidation –  Instructions  and Teachers Transfer Counseling – 2015 – Further Instructions – Issued 

All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and the District Educational Officers in the State are informed in the reference 2nd cited to take up exercise of Resource Redistribution – Rationalization duly constituting a Mandal Level Committee.

The District Educational Officers furnished the details of the schools for 

  1. (a) Establishment of Adharsha Pradhmika Paatasala (Model Primary School) and the schools for 
  2. (b) Positive Consolidation of Schools. Accordingly, the District Educational Officers have identified the schools for establishment of Adharsha Pradhmika Paatasala  (Model Primary School) and also for Positive Consolidation of Schools.

Instructions on Consolidated Schools 

In the above circumstances, the following instructions are issued for strict compliance:

Transit / Admit all the students studying in the school which was identified for consolidation in the newly established Adharsha Pradhmika Paatasala (Model Primary School) and in the Positively consolidated schools, as the case may be.
Ensure handing over of all the records pertaining to the students i.e.
Admission Register / Record Sheet / T.C. Register / Staff Register / Posts sanction register and all other documents / all bank accounts pertaining to special fee, SMC Funds, M.D.M. Funds etc., registers to the newly established Adharsha Pradhmika Paatasala (Model Primary School) and in the Positively consolidated schools.
Shift the furniture and other equipments / materials to the Adharsha Pradhmika Paatasala (Model Primary School) and in the Positively consolidated schools.
Shall maintain a record of all the above in the Adharsha Pradhmika Paatasala (Model Primary School) and Positively consolidated schools / Office of Mandal Educational Officer.

Instructions on Relief of Head Masters/ Teachers:

 Further, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and DEOs in the State are informed that,
The Deputy Educational Officers / Mandal Educational Officers / Headmasters may be instructed to download the list of teachers transferred through online web counseling from the website along with the District Educational Officer proceedings and then relieve the Teachers on 31.10.2015 A.N. duly following the instructions scrupulously.
The teachers (including subject teachers) who are transferred under Transfer Counseling shall be relieved subject to the condition that there shall be 50% of regular teachers (fraction shall be treated as one) working in the school and also only the senior most teachers (including subject teachers) shall be relieved as instructed in Rule 19 of G.O. 4th read above..

  1. If only one Teacher (including subject teachers) is working in the School and got transfer he/ she shall not be relieved without substitute
  2. If two teachers (including subject teachers) are working in the School and got transfer, the junior in the school shall not be relieved without substitute
  3. If three teachers (including subject teachers) are working in the School and got transfer, the two juniors in the school shall not be relieved without substitute.
  4. If four teachers (including subject teachers) are working in the school and got transfer, the two juniors in the school shall not be relieved without substitute.
  5. if eleven Teachers (including subject teachers) are working in the school and got transfer, the six juniors in the school shall not be relieved without substitute.

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(c ) The Headmasters Gr.II are functioning as Mandal Educational officer (FAC). The Regional Joint Directors of School Education / Deputy Educational Officer are instructed to download the list of  Headmasters transferred through online web counseling from the website and relieve the Headmasters Gr.II only after relief / joining of the transfer teachers in the schools duly ensuring the teachers availability as per the provisions of Rule 19 of G.O.Ms.No.63 Education, Dated:31.08.2015. All such Gr.II Headmasgers may be relieved on 03.11.2015.
Headmaster Gr.II Gazetted / Teacher who does not so join cannot claim compulsory wait, under any circumstances, for any reason.
The above instructions shall be followed scrupulously and shall be implemented with immediate effect.

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