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- Vacancies: Tradesman (Skilled)-161
- Last Date for Aplly : 05-12-2015
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Age Limits:
Candidates age should be 25 years as on 05-12-2015 Age relaxation is applicable 3 years for OBC, 5 years for SC/ ST, 10 years for PHC, upto the age of 40 years for Departmental candidates as per rules.
Candidates should have National Apprentice Certificate (NAC) in Feeder trades obtained from DAS (V).
Selection Process:
Selection will be based on written test & Interview.
How to Apply:
Eligible candidates send their applications in the prescribed format along with affixing self-attested recent passport size color photograph on it,
self attested copies of all relevant certificates, two self attested latest passport size color photographs only by Registered/ Speed Post to
- The Admiral Superintendent (for Manager Personnel),
- Naval Dockyard,
- Visakhapatnam-14
within 30 days from the date of advt & Seven days thereafter for remote areas. Superscribe the envelope in bold letters as Application For The Post Of Tradesman (Skilled) .
* Download Notification Copy
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