AP MDM 5 Eggs in a week in AP Mid Day Meal Programme – proceedings RC No 51

AP MDM 5 Eggs in a week in AP Mid Day Meal Programme – proceedings Rc No 51 – 5 Eggs in a week in AP Mid Day Meal programme – proceedings: Further, with an aim of enhancing enrollment, retention, and attendance and simultaneously improving nutritional levels among children Government in its memo 4th read above has issued orders for providing two more eggs in addition to 3 eggs, already being provided to the children under Mid-Day Meal Scheme.

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AP MDM 5 Eggs in a week in AP Mid Day Meal Programme – proceedings RC No 51

AP MDM 5 Eggs in a week in AP Mid Day Meal Programme
AP MDM 5 Eggs in a week in AP Mid Day Meal Programme – proceedings RC No 51

భోజన పథకంలో వారానికి ఐదు గుడ్లు

మధ్యాహ్న భోజన పథకంలో భాగంగా పాఠశాలల్లో విద్యార్థులకు ఇకపై వారానికి 5 గుడ్లు అందజేయాలని పాఠశాల విద్య కమిషనర్‌ కె. సంధ్యారాణి ఆదేశాలు జారీ చేశారు. ఈ పథకంలో ఇప్పటి వరకూ విద్యార్థులకు వారానికి మూడు గుడ్లు చొప్పున అందిస్తున్నారు. సోమవారం నుంచి శుక్రవారం వరకూ వీటిని ఇవ్వాలని, ఆయా రోజుల్లో సెలవు వస్తే శనివారం ఇచ్చేలా చర్యలు చేపట్టాలని అన్ని జిల్లాల డీఈవోలను ఆదేశించారు.

Rc No 51, 5 eggs in a week for AP MDM Programme 

In view of the orders of Government, all the District Educational Officers in the State are requested to ensure that the 5 eggs arc per week per child are provided to the children under MDM immediately. The District Educational Officers are further requested to ensure that.

  1. Supply of five eggs to the children start with immediate effect 
  2. The eggs shall be served every day from Monday to Friday in a week. In case there is any holiday in those five days in any week, the eggs shall be served on Saturday also. 
  3. Necessary instructions are issued to all the SHGs/ NGOs to provide 5 eggs to the children with immediate effect. 
  4. The existing procedure or guidelines such as supply the eggs as per NECC guidelines, color stamping on the eggs, stamping “MDM-AP” time of delivery, place of delivery etc., shall be followed without any change. 
  5. Further, all the District Educational Officers arc informed that these orders are valid up to 30th September or until further orders, whichever is earlier. 

5 eggs in a week for AP MDM programme – Proceedings No 51 Download 

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