AP G.O.No.167, Enhancing the age from 58 to 60 years to Municipal and urban employees

AP G.O.N.o.267,Dt.29-06-2015,Enhancement of age of Superannuation from 58 to 60 years in A.P., Employment (Regulation of Age of Superannuation) Amendment Act 2014 (Act 4 of 2014

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1. A.P., Employment (Regulation of Age of Superannuation)  Amendment Act 2014 (Act 4 of 2014).
2. G.O.Ms.No.147, Finance (HRM-IV) Dept, Dt.30.06.2014.
3. Govt.Memo.No.4179/14/HRM-IV/2014, Finance (HRM-IV) Department, Dt.02.07.2014.
4. From the VC,TUDA, Tirupathi Lr.Roc.No.1612/C1/2014,
5. Representation of A.P. State UDA’s & CRDA Employees Welfare Association, Dt.20.04.2015.
  1. ​In the Act 1st read above among others the age of Superannuation of Government Employees has been enhanced form 58 to 60 years.
  2. ​The Vice Chairman, Tirupati Urban Development Authority  has submitted that the TUDA in it’s Resolution No.60, Dt.7-11-2014 has resolved that “ as all the Government service conditions and orders are being implemented  in TUDA, the request of the employees of the Authority for enhancement of the age of superannuation from 58 to 60 years on par with the Government employees has been examined and approved, to submit to the Government for issuing necessary orders for making applicable of the enhanced superannuation age to TUDA employees also from the date of applicability to the Government employees”.
  3. Further the A.P. State Urban Development Authority’s & Capital Region Development Authority Employees Welfare Association in their representation 5th read above have also requested to extend the benefit of the age of Superannuation from 58 to 60 years to the employees who were in the service of VGTM UDA and merged into the service of CRDA and UDAs and issue necessary orders.
  4. Government after careful examination of the proposal and the request of A.P. State Urban Development Authority’s & Capital Region Development Authority Employees Welfare Association, hereby extend the A.P., Employment (Regulation of Age of Superannuation) Amendment Act 2014 (Act 4 of 2014) enhancing the age of Superannuation from 58 to 60 years to the employees of Urban Development Authority’s in the State and Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority with effect from 02.06.2014, subject to meeting the expenditure by the respective UDAs and APCRDA.
  5. The Vice Chairmans of Urban Development Authority’s and Commissioner, Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority are requested to take necessary action accordingly.
  6. This order issues with the concurrence of the Finance (HR.IV.FR) Dept vide their U.O.No.3054/444/HR.IV/15,  Dt.16.06.2015.

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