AP GO 2963 RIDF Sanction of loans by NABARD Schemes for completion of ongoing Projects

AP Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) – Schemes for completion of ongoing Projects and other schemes – Sanction of loans by NABARD under R.I.D.F. – Payment of interest for the quarter ending 31.12.2015 – Orders – issued.

Andhra Pradesh Finance  (NABARD.SP) Department G.O.RT.No. 2963 Dated: 28-12-2015

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 Read the following:-

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  • 1. From the Deputy General Manager, NABARD., Regional Office, RTC X Road, Hyderabad letter No.NB.APRO.HYD/1596/LOS-27-A-2015-16, dt. 15.12.2015.
  • 2. G.O.Rt.No.2954, Finance (FMU-GAD-2) Department, dated 23.12.2015.

O R D E R :
 In the reference 1st read above, NABARD has informed that an amount of Rs.49,24,32,210.00(Rupees Forty Nine Crores Twenty Four Lakhs Thirty Two Thousand two Hundred and Ten only) is due from Government of Andhra Pradesh towards Interest for the period from 1st October, 2015 to 31st December, 2015 to NABARD in respect of loans outstanding under Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF).
2. In the reference 2nd read above, Government have issued Re-appropriation Order for Rs.49,25,00,000/- (Rupees Forty Nine Crores Twenty Five Lakhs only), since there is no sufficient budget provision is not available in the B.E. 2015-16. After careful examination of the matter.
Government hereby sanction an amount of Rs.49,24,32,210,00/- (Rupees Forty Nine Crores Twenty Four Lakhs Thirty Two Thousand two hundred and ten only) towards payment of interest payable to NABARD for the quarter ending on 31st December, 2015 in respect of loan outstanding under RIDF in relaxation of Treasury control and quarterly regulation orders.
3. The expenditure sanctioned above shall be debited to the head of account “2049 Interest Payments (Charged) – 01 Interest on Internal Debt – M.H.200 Interest on other Internal Debts – S.H. (13) Interest on Loans from the NABARD for RIDF Schemes – 450 Interest” and shall be met from the provisions available in B.E. 2015-16 under the above head of Account.
4. The Assistant Secretary to Government, Finance (Claimns) Department shall prefer the bill well in advance and Pay & Accounts Officer, Hyderabad shall take prompt action to credit an amount of Rs.49,24,32,210,00/- (Rupees Forty Nine Crores Twenty Four Lakhs Thirty Two Thousand two hundred and ten only)to the NABARD A/cNo.8692974, Reserve Bank of India. Fort Branch, Mumbai-400001 through R.T.G.S.
The Chief General Manager, NABARD.,
Regional Office, Hyderabad.
The Accountant General, A.P. Hyderabad.
The Pay & Accounts Officer, A.P. Hyderabad
Copy to Finance (Claims) Department.
Copy to S.F./S.Cs.

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