AP Drought Mandals list declaration in 7 Districts – Guidelines 2016

AP GO 9 Drought Affected Mandals names, Drought Affected Districts names list, Guidelines of Drought Affected list, AP Revenue Department – South West Monsoon 2016 – Khariff – Drought- Declaration of 245 Mandals as Drought Affected in the State- Orders – Issued. AP Revenue [DM.II] Department G.O.MS.No. 9 Dated: 21-10-2016. Committee have examined in detail the proposals received from the District Collectors of Srikakulam, Prakasam, SPS Nellore, Anantapuram, Chittoor, YSR Kadapa & Kurnool for declaration of Drought Affected Mandals in Khariff-2016.

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AP GO 9 Drought Affected Mandal list Guidelines

Read the Following:-

1. G.O.Rt.No.267, Revenue (DM.II) Depaartment, dt. 29.10.2013.
2. D.O.Letter No.12021/DM.II/A1/2015, dt. 21.09.2016 of Commissioner, Disaster Management & EOS to Government.
3. Reports received from the District Collectors in October 2016.
4. Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee on Drought held on 19.10.2016.


1. During South West Monsoon-2016 (1-6-2016 to 30-09-2016), the State received a rainfall of 533.8 mm as against the normal rainfall of 556 mm with a deviation of (-) 4%, whereas rainfall received during the previous year (2015) was 519.7 mm with a deviation of – 5.4% for the corresponding period.

2. As per Andhra Pradesh Handbook for Management of Drought, 1995 and Manual for Drought Management published by Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India, 2009, the proposals for declaration of drought should be examined with reference to the following norms and the District Collectors should send specific report to the Government taking Mandal as a unit:

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Drought should be examined with reference to the following norms :

a. Deficiency in rainfall 

  • (i) (-) 25% and above in Mandals where the annual normal rainfall is more than 1000 mm.,
  • (ii) (-) 20% and above in Mandals where the annual normal rainfall is 750 mm to 999.9 mm.,
  • (iii) (-)15% and above in Mandals where the annual normal rainfall is less than 750 mm i.e 749.9 mm.

b. Compression/reduction in the cropped areas of 50% and above under all Principal crops.
c. Normal reduction in crop yields of 33% and above, comparative with average yields of previous 5 years.
d. Dry spells and its impact on crop damages.
e. Normalized Vegetative Differential Index (NDVI).
f. Moisture Adequacy Index (MAI).

For considering declaration of drought, the first norm of (a) Deficiency in Rainfall is compulsory and out of (b) to (d) norms, any two norms must be fulfilled, apart from norms (e) and (f) that would be prepared by NRSC and ANGRAU respectively.

3. A meeting of the Committee on Drought constituted vide G.O 1st read above to scrutinize the proposals submitted by the District Collectors for declaration of Drought Affected Mandals was held on 19.10.2016. The Committee have examined in detail the proposals received from the District Collectors of Srikakulam, Prakasam, SPS Nellore, Anantapuram, Chittoor, YSR Kadapa & Kurnool for declaration of Drought Affected Mandals in Khariff-2016 with reference to the prescribed norms of Government of India and Government of Andhra Pradesh and the prevailing drought like situation in the State due to erratic rainfall and dry spells.

4. The Committee after examining the proposals have recommended 245 Mandals in seven Districts to the Government for declaration as Drought Affected in 2016 in terms Drought norms.

5. Government after careful examination of the recommendations of the Committee on Drought and keeping in view of the reports furnished by the District Collectors in the reference 3rd read above, have decided to declare the 245 mandals (as in Annexure-II) in 7 districts of Andhra Pradesh Viz., Anantapur – 63, Chittoor – 53, Kurnool – 36, Kadapa – 32, Nellore – 27, Prakasam – 23 and Srikakulam – 11 as Drought affected Mandals in Khariff-2016.

6. The District Collectors concerned shall ensure deletion of the notified municipal/urban areas and areas falling under permanent assured irrigation sources. Urban Mandals which are not declared as drought affected, shall be treated on par with drought affected Mandals for the purpose of drinking water. The District Collectors concerned shall issue the notification in the District Gazette as mentioned in Annexure-I in Telugu, which is the official language of the State, as per the Andhra Pradesh Official Languages Act, 1995.

7. The District Collectors concerned shall take immediate further necessary action.

8. The Commissioner and Director of Printing, Stationery and Stores Purchase (Printing Wing), Andhra Pradesh shall publish the notification in the extra-ordinary issue of Andhra Pradesh Gazette. 

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