RC No 02.Dt.4.1.16. Collect Rs. 10/- from every Teacher and Student towards My Capital My Amaravathi
Andhra Pradesh School Education – Collection of Rs.10/- from each Teacher and Student towards “MY CAPITAL, MY AMARAVATHI, MY BRICK” – Instructions issued.
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Read:- Lr.No.4/PS(MHRD)/2016, Dated:04.01.2016 of the Addi. Private Secretary to Hon’ble Minister for H.R.D., Government of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
All the District Educational Officers in the State are instructed to organize a programme for collection of Rs.10/- (Rupees Ten Only) from each teacher and student towards “MY CAPITAL, MY AMARAVATHI, MY BRICK” campaign and see that the collected amount should reach to this office by 10th January, 2016 so as to enable to handover the same to the Hon’ble Chief Minister.
Further, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and the District Educational Officers in the State are requested to update the same on daily basis. This should be treated as MOST URGENT.
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AP RC No 02.Dt.4.1.16. Collect Rs. 10/- from every Teacher and Student towards My Capital My Amaravathi
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