AP Annual Day Celebration in Primary / UP Schools Rc 675 Instructions and Schedule

Rc 675 Celebration of Annual Day functions Saction Amount in All PS, UP Schools, Primary School Day Celebration instructions and Dates. RC 675 Celebration of Annual Day in Primary Schools and UP Schools of Andhra Pradesh State. Rc 675 issued by the State Project Director, SSA, Hyderabad, AP regarding the school day celebrations in all Primary and UP schools in the AP State. completeRc.675/SSA/AP/A6/CMO/16 Dt:01/03/2016 is as follows.

School Day function instructions and Schedule Rc 675

 Primary / UP Schools Annual Day Celebration in AP 

ap lAll the Project Officers of SSA in the State are hereby informed that the State Project Director, SSA, AP, Hyderabad has declared to celebrate annual day in all the schools throughout the state as per the unit cost as shown below.

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Upper Primary Schools Annual Day Function Saction Amount :

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Below 100 Children : Rs 600/-
Above 100 Children Rs.800/-

Primary Schools Annual Day Function Saction Amount :

Below 100 Children : Rs.800/-
Above 100 Children Rs.1000/-

                Therefore, they are requested to issue necessary instruction to all the Head Masters/ Mandal Educational Officers for the celebrations of Annual Day in the schools and also release the above mentioned amount to the schools concerned. The expenditure may be met from the head of community mobilization/ community training of the DPO budget, They should invite philanthropist, alumni, ex-teachers and parents of the children for the School Annual Day.

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* Rc 675 Celebration of Annual Day in All PS, UP Schools Copy Download 

* Annual School Day Function Schedule Download

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