TS Govt. conduct The School Readyness Programme for the children Classes I to VIII

Proc No 2 Dt 06.06.2015 As per Annual Work plan 2015-16 of SSA as one of the Govt schools the SSA of  Telangana State desires to conduct The School Readyness Programme for the children Classes I to VIII

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Objectives of Readiness Pprogramme

1.To make the children acquired to school environment, thereby ensuring a smooth inducting to the school system
2.To create a child friendly environment in the school for Class I students
3.To make young children feel comfortable and happy to attend the school regularly without any fear
4.To develop pre learning skills
5.To expose the children to early reading early writing and early maths programme

Plan of Action Readiness Programme

1.Six weeks school readiness programme is prescribed in Primary and Upper Primary Schools
2.The school readiness Programme for class I will be conducted from 15th June to 30th July
3.The content of the Programme is based on Play, Songs, Rhymes, Activities on Sensory-motor skilss, scibbiling, story telling, picture reading counting, arranging the objects in descendind order and ascending order according to the size
4.A day wise schedule and activities indicated in the module given to the school during the last academic year shall be followed
5.The tree words formula of Aata, Paata and Maata will be the Process of achieving the objective.

Readiness Ptagramme Time Table :

Morning Session: Includes action Rhymes, Conversations, stories, Ceativity Rhymes additional Activities and games

Afternoon Session: Early litaracy and early mathematics as mandated by GO MS 1 under the name ” Padhe Bharat Bade Bharath” shall be taught in an innovative method. The method of teaching should encourage the students to develop their cognitive abilities

Resource Material: A programme should a booklet of 20 pages with transactional material, Radio

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