TS Teachers Transfer's Pro.1848,the spouse,and important clarifications on Transfers

TS Proc.1848, Dt.06-07-2015, Spouse entitlement points could be claimed by any one of the spouse,and important clarifications on Transfers

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1. Certain District Educational Officers have requested for clarification that some or the teachers have come to the District on inter-district transfers on spouse grounds, and whether to award entitlement points to such teachers if they apply for transfer on spouse grounds. It is clarified that, during the course of inter-district transfer on spouse grounds the entitlement points are not awarded to such teachers, as per the present rules, therefore, the entitlement points may be allowed to them in the present counseling.
2. The clarification issued at point 20 of the proceedings 5th red above., is modified as follows:
3.The Head Master Gr.II/ Teacher, whose spouse is thinking in State Government or Central Government or Public Sector undertaking or Local Body or Aided Institution in the same District and opted to transfer nearer to and towards the place of working on his/her spouse is entitled to benefit of spouse points once in 5 /8 years as the case may be. The benefit of spouse points shall be applicable to one of the spouses once in 5/8 years as the case may be
. As per GO Ms. No.12 SE Dated l6/06/2015 Rule 5 (1) (a) and Head Master Gr-II (Gazetted), The Head Master / Teacher who have completed (5) / (8) years of service, as the case may be, in a particular School as on 1st July of the current year, shall be compulsorily transferred. Hence, it is clarified that entire service in the school prior to bifurcation or upgradation shall be counted for this purpose.
4. The performance related entitlement points are also applicable to the Teachers / Headmasters who taught complete subject to 10 th class and the DEO shall ensure the number of teachers working/vacant and subjects handled with reference to internal assessment marks awarded by the, time table of the school. Teachers / Headmasters handling a part of a subject are not eligible for the benefit.
5. The performance entitlement points to subject Teachers/Head Masters handling SSC shall be taken into consideration basing on higher performance of the section where only one subject teacher is available and taught both the sections in a school.
6. The teachers who were transferred during counseling 2013 and the post chosen by them do not exist after rationalization, he /she shall participate transfer counseling and entitled the (5) points only.
7. Promotions in any category shall be taken up for the vacancies available in the schools When posts are sanctioned and needy vacant posts as per GO Ms. No. 11 Edn. Dt:15.6.2015. No promotions shall be effected to the vacant surplus posts
8. Ensure adequacy of SC/ST candidates as per ratio meant for them while effecting promotions as per rules issued by the Government from time to time.
9. The DEO shall address the District Collector requesting for deputing an officer from Medical and Health Department for their advice on the claims of the teachers under preferential category on Medical grounds.
10. Only applicants scheduled for the batch or session shall be allowed in to the counselling hall.

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