TS Schools Academic year 2016-17 implementation guidelines as per RC 405
TS School Academic Calendar 2016-17 |
Telangana DSE and SPD Telangana has given certain instructions and clarifications on implementation of Academic Calendar for the year 2016-17.New Syllabus coverage – 3-R’s Programme and Collect Books and Maintain Book Bank.
1. The valued answer scripts must be given to the children during 17 to 19-03-2016 and discuss the answers in the classrooms. The answer scripts must be given to the children so that they can show to their parents and get signature of the parents on the answer scripts.
Following are the Academic Calendar Schedule :
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1. Answer Script Valuation : 17 to 19-03- 2016
2. New Academic year start from : 21-03-2016
3. Final Results and Issue of Progress Cards : 20-03-2016
4. Collect Progress Cards from Students : 21-03-2016
5. New syllabus commenced from : 21-03-2016
6. Syllabus coverage and 3-R s Programme : 21-03-2016 to 23-04-2016
7. Enroll Children from Nearby UP/High Schools : 21-03-2016
8. HMs must visit Anganawadi Centers and Enroll 1st Class
Final Results and Issued of Cumulative Records (Progress Cards):
Complete all Registers and Records :
All- the Registers and Records must be completed and final Consolidated Register proforma shall be submitted to concerned MEOs and School Complex Headmasters in case of Primary Schools and to the Dy.EOs in case of High Schools by the concerned school Headmasters.
New Syllabus coverage – 3-R’s Programme and Collect Books and Maintain Book Bank:
The syllabus for the next academic year shall be commenced from 21st March, 2016 onwards and the syllabus shall be taken up as per the syllabus distribution in the academic calendar in the months of March and April for the year 2016-17. In addition to syllabus coverage, focus may be given on the 3-Rs programme i.e. improving the basic competencies of reading and writing, arithmatic for the children who are poor in this aspect. Further, the revision of basic concepts of earlier classes may be taken up. The question papers of Summative Assessment-II may also be solved during these days. All the Headmasters are advised to collect the books from the children and maintain a Book Bank which may be used in case if there is any late in receiving the new textbooks. Further, the soft copies of all the new textbooks have been placed in the SCERT website for reference.
Therefore, all the DEOs are requested to take necessary action in commencing the new academic year from 21st March, 2016 onwards as per the Academic Calendar 2016-17 in all schools under Government and Private managements. The Academic Calendar which is being printed and will be kept in the SCERT website for reference.
Enrollment of children – 100% transition of students from Primary to Upper Primary (class V to VI) and Upper Primary to High Schools (class VII/ VIII to VIII/ IX): The DISE data pertaining to 2015-16 shows that about 92 to 95% of transition of students from Primary to Upper Primary. This shows that some children are leaving Government schools or dropping out. Therefore, the Department must ensure 100% transition to Upper Primary/ High Schools.
Enroll Children nearby UPS/High Schools and HMs must visit Anganawadi Centers, get the children and enroll in Class I:
Therefore, every Headmaster of Primary School shall physically take the children to the nearby Upper Primary/ High Schools with list of children and their TCs and enroll them on 21st March, 2016. Similarly, the Upper Primary Headmaster shall enroll in the nearby High Schools. The Primary School Headmasters must visit the Anganwadi centres in the Village/ Ward or in the school catchment area and get the children from the Anganwadis and enroll in the class I.
The MEOs are requested to conduct meeting with ICDS officers to join children from the Anganwadis to nearby Primary Schools.
Drafting School Assistants to invigilation duties of SSC examinations:
All the DEOs are requested to draft non language teachers for the invigilation duties during language examination days and language teachers to the invigilation duties of during non language subject examination days. This enables the available non language teachers to take classes in the schools during the period of exams pertaining to language subjects and vice versa. This must be planned and implemented so as to cover the syllabus as per Academic Calendar.
Conduct of High Schools classes in the SSC examination centre schools:
The earlier practice of (2015) of conducting High School classes from 01.00 to 05.00 PM shall be conducted in the schools where SSC examinations are conducted in the morning session from 21st March 2016.
Textbook distribution:
All the DEOs are requested to verify the textbooks received and distribute to the schools as per the instructions given from the Director of School Education earlier. The DEOs must plan and implement the distribution of the textbooks in view of starting of new academic year from 21st March, 2016.
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TS Schools New Academic Calendar 2016-17 Copy Download
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