#Telangana Introduce Martial Arts to the Girls Students in 1836 Schools
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TS Rc.No. 133/RMSA/TS/2015. Dt. 17 -10-2015 Martial arts training Girls Students
Telangana School Education RMSA Training of Martial Arts to the Girls Students in 1836 Girls High Schools- certain instructions issued.
46th P.A.B. held on 5th February 2015 to consider the AWP&B 2015-16 of RMSA.
All the District Educational Officers in the state are informed that, the GoI, MHRD, New Delhi has approved an outlay of Rs. 165.24 lakhs for Marshal Art Training under RMSA component to all the Girls in 1836 Girls High Schools of Telangana State in PAB 2015-16.
But as per UDISE data the available Girls High Schools are in the state is only 768 and remaining 1068 Co-Edn schools including KGBVs are taken up as per the Girls Enrollment. The district wise schools are as follows.
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The list of schools is also enclosed herewith for read reference
It is also informed that an amount of Rs. 3000/- per month for 03 Months to Trainer / Instructor in 1836 High Schools. (Rs. 3000 x 3 months x 1836 Schools = 165.24 Lakhs) have been approved under Recurring component of Martial Arts. This amount will be released directly to the SMDC account of schools.
The following guidelines have been issued for implementation of the Marshal Arts to the Girls Students.
All Girls students of IX & X in Govt Girls High Schools.
The Activity will be planned to take up for 3 months in all working days focusing on Self Defense Skills commencing from 02-11-2015.
The SMDC will take responsibility to Identify District Agencies / Martial Arts Association / Trained Instructor in Self Defence who can impart training or to engage Instructors / Masters on part time basis from the Locality he/she will be paid an honorarium of Rs. 9000/- for entire course of 03 months @ Rs.3000/- per month and also take responsibility in monitoring the attendance and payment of honorarium to Trainer / Instructors.
Note : classes will be conducted in PET/Games period.
In view of the above, all the District Educational Officers in the state are requested to issue necessary instructions to the Headmasters concerned to engage the Trainer/Instructor as per the above guidelines and report compliance to this office. Further they are also requested to instruct the Dy.Eos, MEOs & Sectoral Officers of SSA to visit the said schools and furnish the report on the Marshal Arts training progamme.
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