TS Pro.2740 Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan ( RAA ) Guidelines to DEO's DPO's MEO's and HM

Telangana /TS SSA Pro.2740   Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan ( RAA ) Certain Guidlines to DEOs, DPOs MEOs and all School HMs and Science ,Maths teachers

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TS Pro.2740/SSA /T6/2015, Dt.06-08-2015 Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan ( RAA ) Guidelines to DEO’s DPO’s MEO’s and HM’s 

SSA Telangana State Hyderabad Certain Guidlines to DEOs, DPOs MEOs and all School HMs and Science ,Maths teachers of all Classes on the implementation of Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan RAA.
MHRD has Launched Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan (RAA) throut the country in Primary to Higher Secondary Schools (6-18 years age group) in pursuance of the focus on connecting school based knowledge to life outside the school making learning of Science, Mathematics a joyful meaningful activity and to bring focus on innovation and use fo technology

Role of Headmasters:

  1. Strengthen school science and Mathematics labs
  2. Make a list of  NGOs and voluntary organisations like Jana Vignana Vedika and invite them to your school for their demonstration
  3. Take children for visits on nearby industries institutes spacialises in Science and Mathematics, Technology ITI Polytechnics
  4. Conduct Science and Maths Melas
  5. Celebrate 22 December Mathematics Day and 20 February Science Day with proper plan

Role of Science and Mathematics Teachers:

  1. Use all possible equipments while teaching
  2. Procure equipments in consultation with school headmaster
  3. Encourage children to develop interest towards Science and Maths
  4. Science and Maths teachers should prepare teaching plans and project plans

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