TS Pension amendment GO 145 calculation of pension based on the LPC drawn Extension of the benefit to all Retired employees

Telangana / TS Pension Amendment GO 145 , Telangana Pension Calculation based LPC , TS retired employees , goir.telangana. gov.in , Pension Calculation based on last pay drawn 

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TS Pension amendment GO 145  calculation of pension based on the LPC drawn Extension of the benefit to all Retired employees 

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Telangana State Government Pension Amendment GO issued PENSION–A.P. Revised Pension Rules, 1980 Orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.87, Finance & Planning (FW-Pen. I) Department, dated 25.05.1998 for  calculation of pension based on the pay last drawn  Extension of the benefit to all employees retired prior to 25-05- 1998 .
    TS Employees Pension Calculation GO 98 Amendment pera 14 on 08-07-2015 surviving on that date–Orders of Hon’ble A.P.A.T. dated 03.01.2002 in O.A. No.50303 of 1999 and 329 of 2000 orders of Honourable High Court in W.P.No. 16719 of 2003 and 18490 of 2003 and orders of Honourable Supreme Court in Civil Appeal No(s).5367 , 5368 of 2005 , Amendment  Orders

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Finance (HRM-V) Deportment G.O.MS.No.145, Dated:01-10-2015

  1. G.O.Ms.No.87, Finance & Planning (FW.Pen.I) Dept., dated. 25.05.1998. 
  2. APAT Judgment dated. 03.01.2002 in O.A.No. 50303 of 1999 and 329 of 2000. 
  3.  A.P. High Court Judgment dated. 23.12.2003 in W.P.No. 16719 of 2003 and 18490 of 2003. 
  4.  Supreme Court of India Judgment dated. 30.04.2014 in Civil Appeal No(s).5367 – 5368 of 2005. 
  5. From the Director of Treasuries and Accounts, Telangana, Hyderabad, Letter No. TS/H1/475/2014, dated.04.07.2014.
  6. G.O.Ms.No.98, Finance (HRM-V) Dept., dated. 8-7-2015. 

In partial modification to the orders issued in the reference sixth read above, Government hereby issue the following amendment: In the existing para 14, the following shall be added below the table.
“However, arrears amounting to Rs.5000/- and below shall be paid   in one instalment  instead of 4 instalments”.   
The arrears arising out of revision of pension due to the orders issued in above shall be paid in four equal instalments as detailed below:

  1. 1.First Instalment : 25% of the arrears amount shall be paid on 01.01.2016 
  2. 2.Second Instalment : 25% of the arrears amountshall be paid on 01.04.2016 
  3. 3.Third Instalment : 25%of the arrears amount shall be paid on 01.01.2017 
  4. 4.Fourth Instalment : 25% of the arrears amount shall be

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