TS Online School and Teaching/Non Teaching Staff Particulars online on or before 01-08-2015
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TS Online full information of Schools and teachers Particulars the Education Department Officials. In this video conference Commissioner and Director of School Education has instructed and ordered to fill the teachers particulars in online on or before 01-08-2015 and certain instruction have been issued for filling the online full information of school and teachers particulars.
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All the MEOs, HMs are requested to furnish the information of Schools, Class wise, Medium wise and Gender wise enrolment, Status of Infrastructure Facility, Teachers Sanction and working details and Teaching/Non Teaching staff particulars of your Mandal/School on or before 01.08.2015
School Information: Head Master should fill the following details your school
1. District:
2. Mandal:
3. Village:
4. School U-DISE:
5. School:
6. Area:Plain / agency
7. Medium: Telugu/English/Urdu/Others
8. Management: State Govt / Local Body
9. Success School: Yes/No
10. School Mail ID
Class wise, Medium wise and Gender wise enrolment : In this section Head master enter the class wise, medium wise and gender wise enrolment of children details
Status of Infrastructure Facility:
In this section, Head master fill the following details of present Status of infrastructure facility of your school.
1. No.of Rooms available (All)
2. No.of Classes/Sections running :
3. No.of toilets, Available, Functional, Running water facility
4. Kitchen Shed
5. Compound wall
6. Electricity
7. Drinking water
8. Water Purifier (RO Plant)
9. No. of computers available
10. Harithaharam Plantation taken up
11. No. Of Pits dug
12. Plantation done
13. Television
14. R.O.T
15. Internet facility
16. LCD Projector
17. Radio
Teaching/Non Teaching staff particulars In this section, Head master should fill the following details/particulars or information of Teaching/ Teaching staff in the given prescribed proforma.
1. Name of the post with subject:
2. Name of the Employee:
3. Employee code(Treasury):
4. Qualification:
5. Computer Knowledge:
6. Date of joining in Present School:
7. Mobile No.:
8. Academic Professional:
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