Telangana Assembly Election Notification 2018 Namination Dates

Telangana Assembly Election Notification 2018 Namination Dates : GOVERNOR’S NOTIFICATION UNDER SECTION 15 (2) OF THE REPRESENTATION OF PEOPLE ACT, 1951 FOR THE GENERAL ELECTIONS TO THE TELANGANA STATE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY, 2018, FOR 119 ASSEMBLY CONSTITUENCIES.[G.O.Ms. No.178 , General Administration (Elecs.D) Department, Dated: 12th November, 2018.] The following notification dated 12th November, 2018/21 Kartik, 1940 (Saka) is published:-THE TELANGANA GAZETTE THE TELANGANA GAZETTE PART-V EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY No. 15 ] HYDERABAD, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2018. STATUTORY NOTIFICATIONS OF THE ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA AND OTHER ELECTION NOTIFICATIONS NOTIFICATIONS BY GOVERNMENT GENERAL ADMINISTRATION (ELECTIONS-D) DEPARTMENT R.N.I. No. TELMUL/2016/73158. HSE No. 1051/2017-19.NOTIFICATION Whereas, the Governor of the State of Telangana has, in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by sub-clause (b) of clause (2) of Article 174 of the Constitution of India, been pleased to dissolve the Legislative Assembly of the State on 6th September, 2018; and Whereas, in terms of sub-section (1) of Section-15 of the Representation of People Act, 1951 (43 of 1951), a General Election has to be held for the purpose of constituting a new Legislative Assembly of the State; NOW, therefore, as recommended by the Election Commission of India in pursuance of sub-section (2) of Section-15 of the said act, the Governor of the State of Telangana is hereby pleased to call upon all the Assembly Constituencies in the State, to elect members of the Legislative Assembly of the State, in accordance with the provisions of the said Act and of the rules and orders made thereunder.

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Telangana Assembly Election Notification 2018 Namination Dates

Telangana Assembly Election Notification 2018 Namination Dates

తెలంగాణ తొలి అసెంబ్లీ ఎన్నికల నోటిఫికేషన్ 2018

అత్యంత ప్రతిష్టాత్మకంగా జరుగునున్న తెలంగాణ తొలి అసెంబ్లీ ఎన్నికల నోటిఫికేషన్ సోమవారం ఉదయం విడుదలైంది. అన్ని జిల్లా కేంద్రాల్లో ఎక్కడికక్కడ నోటిఫికేషన్ గెజిట్‌ను జారీ చేశారు. చేశారు. ఈనెల 19 వరకు ఉదయం 11 గంటల నుంచి 3 గంటల వరకు నామినేషన్లను స్వీకరించనున్నారు. నామినేషన్ల దాఖలుకు 19 చివరి తేదీ. అలాగే నవంబర్ 20న నామినేషన్ల పరిశీలన, 22 వరకు నామినేషన్ల ఉపసంహరణకు అవకాశం కల్పించారు. డిసెంబర్ 7న తెలంగాణ అసెంబ్లీ ఎన్నికలు జరుగనున్నాయి. డిసెంబర్ 11న ఫలితాలు వెల్లడికానున్నాయి.

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