Summer MDM Particulars send through SMS Details in Telangana

Nizamabad DEO Instructions to all MEOs and HMs for MDM Daily report through SMS Timings. TS, Hyderabad decided to implement the SMS system to all the School children in Summer Vacation to have effective monitoring of attendance from 20-01-2016 onwards.The SMS on daily attendance of Students Meals taken by the students in the school on the present day should be sent through SMS from the mobile of Headmaster concerned in the following format to the Mobile No: 7286883467. The SMS should be sent to the above number between 9:45 AM to 10:30 AM .

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TS Nizambad DEO Rc.No: APO/Spl/2016, Date: 19-04-2016

Sub: School Education – Monitoring of Daily attendance of students information on Mid day Meals through SMS System– Certain instructions – Issued.

Ref: DSE, TS, HYD Video Conference held on 18.04.2016

All the Headmasters of Primary, Upper Primary and High Schools (MPP/ZPP/Govt), MEOs, Deputy Educational Officers in the District are hereby informed that under reference cited Providing of Midday Meals of School children in Summer Vacation from 20-04-2016 the monitoring of daily attendance of students information on Mid Day Meals programme is being obtained through SMS System from the Headmasters of MPS/ZP/Govt.

Director of School Education, TS, Hyderabad decided to implement the SMS system to all the School children in Summer Vacation to have effective monitoring of attendance from 20-01-2016 onwards.

The SMS on daily attendance of Students Meals taken by the students in the school on the present day should be sent through SMS from the mobile of Headmaster concerned in the following format to the Mobile o: 7286883467. The SMS should be sent to the above number between 9:45 AM to 10:30 AM .

Example : School UDISE Code<Space>SATT<Space>217<Space>MDMT<Space>200

Abbreviations & Details: U DISE Code Ex : 36054241124 (Must be 11 Digits) ( Must start with 36 Code)SATT Ex: 217 (Students enrollment in the school )

MDMT Ex: 200 (Mid Day Meals Taken on present Day)

Model SMS :

36054241124 TES 217 MDMT 200
SMS to 7286883467

Therefore all the Mandal Educational Officers and Deputy Educational Officers in the District are directed to inform about sending of SMS daily by all the Headmasters under their Jurisdiction from 20-04-2016 without fail.

The Receipt of these proceedings should be acknowledged.

Sd/- Sri.K.Lingaiah
Dist.Educational Officer,

* TS MDM Instructions to all Head Masters Copy Download

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