National Child Awards for Exceptional Achievement for the year 2016 SSA in AP, Telangana Application Form

AP KGBVs and Telangana KGBVs National Child Awards for Exceptional Achievement for the year 2016. National Child Awards Application form, Guidelines, Award Prize and Last date apply. AP National Child Awards for Exceptional Achievement for the year 2016 at Telangana Women and Child Development (Child Welfare) instituted National Child Awards for Exceptional achievement at

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AP/ TS KGBVs National Child Awards for Exceptional Achievement for the year 2016

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National Child Awards for Exceptional Achievement 2016

Sub: SSA, Hyderabad-KGBVs“ National Child Awards for Exceptional Achievement” for the year 2016-Reg.

Ref: 1. Memo No.491/Prof.1/A1/2016-1, dated 04.06.2016, Principal Secretary to Government, Department for Women, Children, Differently Able & Senior Citizens.
2. From Under Secretary to Government of mm, Ministry of Women & Child Development (Child Welfare), New Delhi, D.O. No.CW-1-19/2/2016-cw-1, dated 17.05.2016.

As per the reference 2 cited above, Ministry of Women and Child Development (Child Welfare) instituted National Child Awards for Exceptional achievement, to give due recognition to children with exceptional abilities and who have achieved outstanding status in various heids including academics, arts, culture, design and sports etc.

The important features of the award are:

i. it is to be given to the children with emeiience in the held of:
(I) innovation in any field including design,
(ii) Scholastic achievements at National level (e.g. first position in Mathematics in two successive years,
(iii) Sports,
iv) Arts,
v) Culture,
(vi) Social Service,
(vii) Music,
( viii) Any other field which deserves recognition as per the directions of the National Selection Committee.

A copy of the communication received from the Ministry of Women & Child Development, Government of Indra is enclosed here with for further information. All the Project Officers are instructed to send the eligible nominations of suitable children for the above said.

Award in the proforma which is scanned and enclosed with this letter. The nominations shall be sent to the Special Commissioner, Women Development & Child Welfare Department, Ameerpet, Hyderabad with a copy to this office. The last date for receipt or applications/nominations is 31.08.2016. The award will be announced on 14th November each year and will be given away in New Delhi on a convenient date.

Last date for submission of applications : 25-06-2016

Model Application Form National Child Award :

Particulars of the individual recommended for “National Child Award for Exceptional Achievement”

Note : 2 passport size photograph duly attested

1. (i) Name (in Hindi & English)
(ii) Date of birth (duly attested)
(iii)Place of birth
(iv)Educational qualifications (with certificates, if applicable)
(v) Telephone No. (with code)
(iv)Present address (with father’s name)

2. Field of Achievement
3. How is the performance of the individual adjudged as exceptional achievement
4. A brief life sketch of the child including press clippings etc./certificates etc.
5. Sponsored by (Govt., other agencies etc. with details)
6. Remarks of the State/UT Govt/ recommending authority

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* National Child Awards for Exceptional Achievement Application Form  

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