Municipal Teachers Direct Recruitment Service Rules 2016

AP Municipal Educational Subordinate Service Rules, 2016 Rule of Reservation in Appointments and AP GO 320, 318 Rule of Reservation in Appointments and The procedure for recruitment to vacant posts in various categories of teachers meant for direct recruitment shall be as per the procedure prescribed by the Government from time to time.

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AP Municipal Service Rules 2016 – Rules of Reservation in Appointments

(1) The rule of special representation under General Rule 22 of the Andhra Pradesh State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996 as amended from time to time shall apply to the appointment by Direct Recruitment to all posts in the service.

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(2) In the matter of direct recruitment to any category of any class in the service, one third of posts in each category of OC, BC-A ,BC-B ,BC-C, BC-D,BC-E, SC, ST, Physically Challenged and Ex-servicemen personnel shall be reserved for women.

(3) Appointment in institutions specially provided for women:

(a) Women alone shall be appointed to the posts in the institutions specially provided for them.

(b) A vacancy in a category in an institution specially provided for women shall be filled by transfer of a woman member of the same category employed in any institution not specially provided for women within the unit of appointment. When such transfer is not possible, woman may be appointed by any method admissible under Rule 6 but she shall not acquire by reason only of such appointment any right in the matter of seniority or full membership in the category for promotion to a higher category until she gets her due turn.

(4) The rule of special representation in favour of SCs and STs under General Rule 22 (2) (a) (i) of A.P. State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996 as amended from time to time shall apply in respect of promotions to the posts of the Headmaster/Headmistress and the School Assistant.

(3) All persons who have crossed 45 years of age shall be exempted from passing departmental tests for promotion to the next higher category above the one held by him/her. This benefit is extended to ensure that every employee gets at least one promotion during his entire service. This exemption shall be given only once in the entire service.

(4) All persons who have completed 50 years of age on the date of appointment to any post shall be exempted from passing the tests prescribed in column (2) of the above table.

(5) The persons who passed Account test for Headmasters of High Schools conducted by the Director of Government Examinations, Andhra Pradesh will be considered for inclusion in the panel of Headmasters / Headmistresses of High Schools for a period of 3 years from the date of issue of these rules, if they are otherwise qualified and eligible for appointment by promotion to the post of the Headmaster /Headmistress of a High School. 

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