MANA VOORU MANA BADI Program Guidelines, Schedule in AP Schools

MAVOORU MAN BADI Program Guidelines Schedule from 23-4-2018 to 30-4-2018 Rc.No.238 AP School’s Mana Vooru-Mana Badi Admission Programme Schedule, Guidelines 2018 Mana Vooru – Mana Badi Campaign, State wide Students Enrollment drive Instructions/AP Schools Admission Programme Guidelines/AP Schools Admission Schedule, Mana Vooru – Mana Badi Campaign Objectives As per proceedings , it is proposed to take up a special campaign “Mana Vooru – Mana Badi” to complete the Admissions for academic year 2018-19 in all Government/Mandal Parishad /Zilla Parishad Schools from 23rd April to 30th April 2018.

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MANA VOORU MANA BADI Program Guidelines Schedule in AP Schools

AP School's Mana Vooru-Mana Badi Admission Programme Schedule, Guidelines 2018
 Man Vooru-Mana Badi Admission Programme 

Objective of “Mana Vooru-Mana Badi” Campaign:

In the above context, it is proposed to take up a special campaign “Mana Vooru – Mana Badi” to complete the Admissions for academic year 2018-19 in all Government/Mandal Parishad /Zilla Parishad Schools from 23rd April to 30th April 2018.

Objective of “Mana Vooru-Mana Badi” Campaign:

  1. To take up and complete admissions in schools for the academic year 2018-19 from 23rd April to 30th April 2018.
  2.  Creative awareness among the parents, students and SMC members regarding opening of Parallel English Medium Sections at Class I
  3.  To target the following categories of children for admission to Govt./MPP/ZP Primary, Upper Primary and High Schools
  4.  Children completing 5 years of age from AWCs or others to be admitted in Class I.
  5.  Children of the special focused groups i.e migrated, slum areas, deprived & disadvantaged groups.
  6.  Out of School Children ( Never enrolled & Drop outs )
  7.  Children residing in the vicinity of Model Primary Schools.
  8.  Ensuring that, students who have completed Class V in Primary School to be admitted in class VI in Upper Primary / High Schools from 23rd April to 30th April, 2018
  9.  Ensuring that students, who have completed Class VII/VIII are to be admitted in Class VIII/IX in High Schools from 23rd April to 30th April to reduce secondary level drop out.
  10.  Ensuring that all the V Class / IX Class students who are targeted for Gnana Dhaara Programme to attend in the allotted centres.
  11.  Creating awareness on Gnana Dhaara Summer Residential programme among all SMCs, students, teachers and parents.
  12.  Creating awareness on incentives / schemes provided by the Government to the school aged children.
  13. To make aware the parents of students who are studying in private schools about the benefits being provided by the Government.

Benefits provided in Govt. Schools to be highlighted during the campaign:

1. Free Education to all from classes I to X.
2. Qualified, experienced and capable teachers
3. Free Uniforms, Free Text Books
4. Providing nutritious Mid-Day Meals with 5 eggs per week.
5. Opening of parallel English Medium sections in Primary Schools at Class I from 2018-19
6. Parallel English Medium Sections in High Schools.
7. Providing quality education through digital class rooms and virtual class rooms.
8. Lab and Library facility to the Students.
9. Protected drinking water and toilet facility
10. Stress free Education through Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation.
11. Transport facility to the students
12. Sports/Physical Education, Yoga, good play grounds in Government schools
13. Bicycles to the girls of secondary schools under Badikosta scheme.
14. Felicitating meritorious students with Prathibha awards
15. Training to girls in martial arts
16. Vocational Education
17. Career guidance and counselling to students
18. Providing sanitary napkins to adolescent girls under Sahaja scheme Implementation Plan In order to conduct the “ManaVooru-ManaBadi” campaign appropriate committees may be constituted at the District Level, Mandal Level and School Level, the following teams are constituted,
Stress free Education through Continuous and Comprehensive

How to Plan and lead on the “ManaVooru-BanaBadi” campaign Guidelines, Schedule and Program Activities.

Roles of the District Level Team: 

Coordinate with PO, SSA for developing and supplying of required publicity material, admit cards, registers, etc.
Delineate the roles and responsibilities of Sectoral officers and CRPs of SSA in working with the field teams to mobilize parents and ensure high enrolment.
Coordinate with MEOs and other field officers and ensure that the entire programme is conducted as per the schedule.
Ensuring all targeted students for Gnana Dhaara programme to be admitted in to allotted centres in their jurisdiction.
Submit a compliance report to the CSE, A.P Ibrahimpatnam, Amaravati.

Roles of the Mandal Level Team:

The Mandal level team should plan and lead on the Mandal and school level campaign.
They should ensure that all habitations in the Mandal are covered in the Schools.

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