Kerala flood victims Relief Fund – AP Employees Pensioners Donate in August Salary

GO 136 Kerala flood victims Relief Fund – AP Employees Pensioners Donate in August Salary : Chief Minister’s Relief Fund – Contribution of employees and pensioners of State Government towards Chief Minister’s Relief Fund for donating the same to the flood victims of Kerala State – Deduction – orders,GO.136. AP FINANCE (HR.V-TFR- AL-EWF) DEPARTMENT G.O. Ms. No.136 Dated: 24.08.2018. All the employees of Non-Gazetted Officers, Gazetted Officers, Teachers, Workers and Pensioners of Andhra Pradesh State from the salary of August, 2018 payable on 1st September, 2018.

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Kerala flood victims Relief Fund – AP Employees Pensioners Donate in August Salary

Kerala flood victims Relief Fund – AP Employees Pensioners Donate in August Salary
Kerala flood victims Relief Fund – AP Employees Pensioners Donate in August Salary 

Read the following:

1. Letter from the President, AP Secretariat Association, dated. 20.08.2018.
2. CMP No. 981/Spl. C.S./2018, dated. 20.08.2018 with the request of the Chairman, JAC of employees, Teachers, Workers and Pensioners, A.P., the Chairman A.P. JAC, Amaravathi and the president, A.P. State Government Pensioners Association, A.P.

Chief Minister’s Relief Fund – Contribution of employees and pensioners of State Government towards Chief Minister’s Relief Fund for donating the same to the flood victims of Kerala State – Deduction – orders,GO.136

O R D E R:

1. In the reference first and second read above, the President, Andhra Pradesh Secretariat Association and the Chairman, JAC of employees, Teachers, Workers and Pensioners, Andhra Pradesh, the Chairman Andhra Pradesh JAC, Amaravathi and the president, A.P. State Government Pensioners Association, Andhra Pradesh offered their willingness for contribution from the salaries of all employees of Andhra Pradesh Secretariat, Legislature and all the employees of Non-Gazetted Officers, Gazetted Officers, Teachers, Workers and Pensioners of Andhra Pradesh State from the salary of August, 2018 payable on 1st September, 2018 and remit into the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund to donate the same to the flood victims of Kerala State.

2. Government after careful consideration hereby order that the following deductions shall be made based on the representations of the following associations.

Sl. No. Name of the Employees Association Quantum of deduction
The President, Andhra Pradesh Secretariat Association
  1. Class IV & III employees- Rs.500/- per head.
  2. TCA, ASO, Stenographers and other Non-Gazetted employees – Rs.1000/- per head.
  3. S.O., P.S. and other 1st level Gazetted cadre – Rs.1500/- per head.
  4. A.S./D.S./J.S/Addl. Secretary cadre – Rs.2000/- per head.
2. The Chairman, JAC of employees, Teachers, Workers and Pensioners &
The Chairman, A.P. JAC, Amaravathi &
The President, State Government Pensioners Association, Andhra Pradesh.
  1. Upto Class IV & III cadre- Rs.200/- per head.
  2. NGO cadre and upto 1st level Gazetted

– Rs.300/- per head.

  1. Above 1st level Gazetted – Rs.500/- per head.
  2. Pensioners all types – Rs.200/- per head.

3. All the Drawing and Disbursing Officers of Secretariat Departments/ all Drawing and Disbursing Officers of all the Heads of the Departments and Registrars of all Universities concerned shall attach separate Schedules to the pay bills for the month of August, 2018 payable on 1st September 2018 and shall be credited to the following Head of Account for relief of flood victims of Kerala State.

“M.H. 8443 – Civil Deposits
800 – Other Deposits
S.H. (02) – Chief Minister’s Relief Fund.

4. All the Drawing and Disbursing Officers and Registrars of all Universities of Andhra Pradesh State shall ensure that the correct deductions are made from the pay bills of August, 2018 without fail.

5. The Director of Treasuries and Accounts, Andhra Pradesh, Pay and Accounts Officer, Andhra Pradesh, Director of Works Accounts, Andhra Pradesh, Registrars of all Universities of Andhra Pradesh State shall personally be responsible to ensure that full deductions are made and remitted to the Chief Minister’s relief fund for the purpose of relief of flood victims of Kerala State and inform the same to the Special Chief Secretary to Government, Revenue (CMRF) Department, Andhra Pradesh.

6. The Director of Treasuries and Accounts, Andhra Pradesh, Pay and Accounts Officer, Andhra Pradesh, Director of Works Accounts, Andhra Pradesh shall issue necessary instructions to their subordinate officers working under their respective administrative control to comply with the above orders.

7. This G.O. is available in Andhra Pradesh Government websites and

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