Kapu Videshi Vidya Selection List Counselling Dates web Option Process

Kapu Vidyonnathi Videshi Vidya Deevena Scheme Selected Candidates list after 2nd Counselling Dates and web Options Instructions, Verification of certificates and selection of candidates under Ist phase will be held on 19th & 20th July 2016 at Vijayawada. Selected Candidates have to exercise their web options for institutes from 16 July, 2016 onwards till 09: AM on 18 July, 2016 Candidates registered upto 17th July till 1:00A.M are eligible to attend.

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AP Kapu Videshi Vidya Deevena Scheme web Option and Certificates Verification

AP Balija Vidyonnati Scheme Exam Online Application at kapucorp.ap.gov.in for free Coaching for Civil Services Examination to be conducted by UPSC for Prelims-cum-Mains, Competitive Exams and eligible students from Kapu, Telaga, Balija and Ontari communities for appearing for Entrance Test under Vidyonnati scheme, conducted by JNTU Kakinada.

Required Documents list:

Applicant should upload the scanned copies (in .jpg format of max 30 KB size each) of the self-attested copy of the following documents:

I. Income certificate
II. Aadhar card of the applicant
III. Caste certificate issued by Competent authority.
IV. Date of birth proof (SSC certificate)
V. Graduate degree mark sheet
VI. Passbook details of savings bank Account in any nationalized Bank ( account must be in the name of applicant)
VII. Passport size photograph (in JPEG format up to 30 Kb size)
VIII. Signature (in JPEG format up to 30 KB size).
IX. Disability certificate.(In case of Disabled Candidates)

Help Line Contact Phone number:

In case of any doubt please call at 7331174449, 7331174454, 

AP Kapu Videshi Vidya Certificates Verification Dates 

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