How to calculate AP Teachers Transfers teachers attendance Percentage Steps

How to calculate AP Teachers Transfers teachers attendance Percentage Steps 

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AP DSC clarification of teachers Transfers performance Teachers attendance Percentage . Below Shown steps follow as per RC No25 Dt. 12-09-2015

Teachers attendance Percentage one year Calculation :

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Teachers  Aattendance Percentage = { (Total no.of sign did + OD) ÷ No.of working days} x 100
Example : Signatures did from June to April = 193
On Duty OD = 5 School working days =220
Total teachers attendance % = { (193+5) ÷ 220} ×100 =90%
How to calculate two years attendance Percentage : 

  1. 1. If total no.of  working days are more than 440 fr two years, no one gets 90% above
  2. 2. As cl’s are not included  female Teachers who utilises complete 27 CLs can not get 90% forever
  3. 3. Male Tteachers can only get 90-95%
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