How to Apply Online Voter ID in Telangana | Model Application Form 6 at

Last date of Voter ID Apply 26th Sep, 2018. How to Apply Online Voter ID in Telangana | Model Application Form 6 at : Register New Voter ID Card in Online TS at The New Voter Identity Card is a proof of residence, identity and it required for casting a vote during the elections. Those above 18 years of age can apply for the card. How can I apply for voter ID card in Telangana ? How do I register to vote online in Telangana ? How much time it will take to get voter ID card? How can I check my election card status in TS ? Form 6, Form 6, Form 7, Form 8, Form 8A ఓటరు కార్డుకు అప్లయి చేయడం ఎలా ? మీరు కొత్త ఓటర్ కార్డు కోసం అప్లయి చేయాలనుకుంటున్నారా. లేకుంటే మీరు ఓటర్ కార్డులో అడ్రస్ మార్చుకోవాలనుకుంటున్నారా. The Chief Electoral Officer functions under the overall supervisions and control of the Elections Commission of India. It monitor’s the work relating to the conduct of General Election’s and Bye-Elections to the House of People from Telangana Legislative Assembly. Legislative Council. వేరే నియోజకవర్గానికి మీ అడ్రస్ చేంజ్ చేయాలనుకుంటున్నారా.. అయితే ఎలా చేయాలో తెలియడం లేదా? అందుకోసం మీరు ఈ కింది స్టెప్స్ ఫాలో అయితే చాలు.

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How to Apply Online Voter ID in Telangana | Model Application Form 6 at 

How to Apply Online Voter ID in Telangana | Model Application Form 6 at
How to Apply Online Voter ID in Telangana | Model Application Form 6 

Tlangana New Voter ID Apply Online at

TS New Voter ID Apply Online at One can register at any e-Seva/Mee seva center or the respective circle offices. Another easy way is to express on the election commission website Now the Telangana State has invited to register in online for new voter id. The eligible candidates can register in online from the website. Candidates can register before 31st October 2018.

Type of Election Forms Available in Telangana :

There are many elections forms listed on the site. Each form is fashioned for the different purpose. You need to be careful to get the correct form. The form names and their purposes are given below:

  1. Form 6 (Application for inclusion of name in an electoral roll). 
  2. Form 7 (Application form for objection/ deletion of a name in the electoral roll). 
  3. Form 8 (Application form for correction of details given). 
  4. Form 8 A (to apply for transposition of an entry in the electoral roll). 

ఓటరు కార్డుకు అప్లయి చేయాలనుకుంటున్నారా ? ఓటరు కార్డు పొందాల్సిన (18 ఏళ్లు నిండిన) వారు నేరుగా ఆన్‌లైన్‌లోని వెబ్‌సైట్‌కు వెళ్లాలి.

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How to Apply for New Voter ID:

Go to official website
Search in official bar “E-registration” tab click on that link and select the “Assembly Constituency” tab from the drop-down menu and click on “Form 6” from the options provided.
One new tab will open and enter your details such as name, address, date of birth, current residence and the declaration and Upload the supporting documents as mentioned in the form and submit them.
On submission, an application reference number will generate that serves as a receipt as well as a tracking number.
On successful verification, the voter ID card will be sent by post to the address as mentioned on the application form.

Required Documents to be Submitted New Voter ID Card:

Recent passport-sized photographs
Proof of address- passport/UDI Aadhaar card/driving license/ration card/bank passbook
The proof of age (for applicants between the ages of 18 and 21years) birth certificate/school certificate/PAN card/Aadhaar card/driving license/bank or post office passbook
With the quick and convenient registration process, residents of Telangana can apply for a new voters ID card online in a few simple steps.
As the new voter ID card is valid through the lifetime of the holder and can also used as proof of address and identity, it is a valuable document that all eligible citizens should own.

Model Application Form of Voter ID ( Form 6)

Form 6 [See rules 13(1) and 26]

Application for Inclusion of Name in Electoral Roll for First time Voter OR on Shifting from One Constituency to Another Constituency.


The Electoral Registration Officer State *
District Assembly/Parliamentary Constituency *

I request that my name be included in the electoral roll for the above Constituency. As a first time voter Or due to shifting from another constituency Particulars in support of my claim for inclusion in the electoral roll are given below:-

Mandatory Particulars

(a)Name *
(b)Surname (If any)
(c) Name of Relative of Applicant * Surname of Relative of Applicant
(d)Type of Relation *
(e)Age [as on 1st January of current calendar year] *
(f)Date of Birth (in DD/MM/YYYY format)(if known) *dd/mm/yyyy
(g)Gender of Applicant * 

(h)Current address where applicant is ordinarily resident

House No.:
Street/Area/Locality *
Town/Village *
Post Office *
Pin Code *
State/UT * District *

(i)Permanent address of applicant Same as Above
House No.:
Street/Area/Locality *
Town/Village *
Post Office *
Pin Code *
State/UT * District *
Family/Neighbour Epic No.

Optional Particulars

Disability (if any)(k) (Tick appropriate box)
Visual impairment Speech & hearing disability Locomotor disability Other

(l) Email id (optional)
(m) Mobile No. (optional)

Your Photograph *
Age Proof *
Type Of Document * Address Proof *
Type Of Document *


I hereby declare that to the best of knowledge and belief –

(i) I am a citizen of India and place of my birth is

Select State *
District *

(ii) I am ordinarily resident at the address given at (h) above since Date *
(iii)I have not applied for the inclusion of my name in the electoral roll for any other constituency.
(iv)My name has not already been included in the electoral roll for this or any other assembly/ parliamentary constituency


My name may have been included in the electoral roll for Constituency in State in which I was ordinarily resident earlier at the address mentioned below and if so, I request that the same may be deleted from that electoral roll.

Place *
Date *

I am aware that making a statement or declaration which is false and which I know or believe to be false or do not believe to be true, is punishable under Section 31 of the Representation of the People Act, 1950 (43 of 1950).

Captcha Captcha Captcha

Reset   Submit

Important Links

Registration Of New Voter Click Here
Registration Of New Voter-Overseas Click Here
Search Name In Electoral Roll Click Here
Correction Of Entries In Electoral Roll Click Here
Know Your Booth, Ac, Pc Click Here
Know Your BLO,ERO And DEO Click Here
Track Application Status Click Here
Official Website Click Here

Telangana Election Official website at at

ప్రజా దేశం లో ఓటు ప్రతి ఒక్కరి హక్కు

ఓటు హక్కు ను ప్రతి ఒక్కరు సద్వీనియోగం చేసు కోవాలి. జనవరి 1 , 2018 వరకు 18 సంవత్సరములు నిండిన యువతి యువకులందరు ఓటర్ల జాబితా లో ఓటర్ గా నమోదు చేయించుకోవాలి. యువత వోటర్ జాబితా లో తమ పేరు ఉందొ లేదో తెలుసుకోవడానికి లో చూసుకోవాలి. పేరు లేనిచో వెంటనే అదే వెబ్ సైట్ లో నమోదు చేసుకోవచ్చు లేదా ఓటర్ గా నమోదు చేసుకొనుటకు మూడు మార్గాలు కలవు.

1) సంబంధింత బూత్ లెవెల్ అధికారికి వివరాలు అందించాలి.
2) సంబంధింత తహసిల్దార్ కార్యాలయం లో Form 6 ను దరఖాస్తు చేసుకోవాలి.
3) Online ద్వారా వెబ్ సైట్ లో నమోదు చేసుకోవచ్చు.

Form 6 – New Enrolment as a New Voter
Form6A – Enrolment of Overseas Voter ప్రవాస భారతీయుల కోసం
Form 7 – Deletion ( Shifting / Dead / Permanently Migrated) తొలగింపు
Form 8 – Corrections / Modifications మార్పులు / చేర్పులు
Form 8A – Transposition from one PS to another PS (with in the AC)

ఒక బూత్ నుండి మరొక బూత్ కు బదిలీ
కొత్తగా ఓటర్ గా నమోదు చేసుకొనుటకు చివరి తేది 25th September 2018.

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