G.O.MS.No. 85, AP PRC fixation of Pay in RPS 2015 and arrear claims Revised instructions

G.O.MS.No. 85, AP PRC  fixation of Pay in RPS 2015 and arrear claims Revised instructions

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  1. In the references read above, orders were issued for fixation of pay in the Revised Pay Scales – 2015. After a careful review of the progress in this matter, the Government has decided to make available an updated mechanism for fixation of Pay in the Revised Scales of Pay 2015 and process the arrear claims expeditiously and accordingly instruct that the Drawing and Disbursing Officers (DDOs) shall undertake fixation of Pay of the employees  and process the arrear claims through the Human Resources  Management System  (HRMS)  of  the  Directorate  of  Treasuries  and  Accounts  in  respect  of  those employees whose data cannot be uploaded in e-Nidhi Portal on or before July 09, 2015. However,  the  existing  facility  of  e-Nidhi  will  continue  to  be  available  for  further processing  of PRC claims in respect of those employees  whose data is available  in e- Nidhi as on 08.07.2015. Accordingly, those who have already provided data in e-Nidhi will be paid in the revised pay scales through e-Nidhi and therefore the same need not be processed through HRMS.
  2. The Drawing and Disbursing Officers shall register their details in e-Nidhi on or before July 20, 2015 and simultaneously log in to the HRMS package of the DTA Portal using their regular login Id and fill the data relating to all events that have relation to the drawl  of  arrears,  in  the  data  entry  screens  specially  designed  for  the  purpose  in  the package.
  3. After completing  the data entry, the DDOs  should press the Final Submission Button provided therein and generate the bill in three parts – Part –I  for the period from July 01, 2013 to June 01, 2014 for which the fixation is notional; Part – II for the period from June 02, 2014, to March 31, 2015 for which orders will be issued separately; and Part – III for the period from April 01, 2015 onwards payment shall be made in cash, duly  making  necessary  deductions  towards  Professional  Tax  and  the  contribution towards Contributory Pension Scheme, wherever applicable as per the revised rates. The DDOs  then  manually  prepare  the  sanction  proceedings/  orders  duly  obtaining  the approval of the competent authority and attach copies of the same to the arrear pay bill generated through HRMS.
  4. The Arrear Pay Bill along with the service register of the employee with upto date entries shall be sent to the Treasury/ PAO. The Treasury / PAO shall conduct audit of the bills duly following the normal procedure in passing the bills and with reference to the entries in the service register.
  5. However, the instructions above are not applicable to the employees whose salary bills are presented to the Assistant Pay and Accounts Officer (W&P) / Pay and Accounts Officer (W&P), under the control of the Director of Works Accounts, AP. In respect of these  employees,  the  DDOs  shall  process  the  cases  manually  and  present  the  bills following the normal procedure.
  6. The arrears amount  admitted  in audit shall be transferred  directly  to the bank account of the employee concerned through ECS / e-Payments mode.
  7. All the Heads of Departments are requested to issue necessary instructions to the Departmental Officers under their control to follow the above instructions scrupulously and co-operate with the Audit Authorities.

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