G.O.320,AP Intermediate Education – Continuation of Part-Time staff working in Generalstream in Government Junior Colleges

AP #G.O.RT.No. 320. Dated:09-07-2015 Intermediate Education,Continuation of Part-Time staff working in General stream in Government Junior Colleges Che State from the day of re-opening of colleges till last working day of the academic year 2015-16 Permission –Accorded – Orders – Issued

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G.O.RT.No. 320 Dated:09-07-2015 From the Commissioner of Intermediate Education, A.P.,Hyderabad, Lr.Rc.No.Ser.II-2/5018/2015, Dated: 27.05.2015

  1. The Commissioner of Intermediate Education, A.P., Hyderabad is requested the Government to issue orders for permission to engage the Part- Time Junior Lecturers (MTS & Hourly basis) working in General Stream from the date of reopening of the Colleges and continue them till last working day of the academic year 2015-2016.

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  3. Government, after careful examination of the above proposal hereby accord permission to the Commissioner of Intermediate Education, AP, Hyderabad for continuing of Part-Time staff working in General stream of Government Junior Colleges in Andhra Pradesh State from the date of reopening of Colleges to till the last working day of the academic year 2015-16, subject to the existing terms and conditions.
  4. This orders issues with the concurrence of Finance (HR.I) Department, vide their U.O.No.8672/249/A3/HR.I/2015, dated:27-6-2015.
  5. The Commissioner of Intermediate Education, AP, Hyderabad shall take necessary action in the matter accordingly.

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