G.O.27,APRES Employees Enhancement of age of retirement from 58 to 60 years

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Andra Pradesh Residential Educational Society Employees Government G.O.27, Dt.30-06-2015 issued orders for enhancement of age of  superannuation from 58 to 60 years to the Government employees in Andhra Pradesh by A.P.
  1. Public Employment (Regulation of Age of Superannuation) (Amendment) Act, 2014 (Act 4 of 2014), duly amending section 3 of A.P. Public Employment (Regulation of Age of Superannuation) Act, 1984.
  2. In the reference 2nd and 4th read above, the Secretary, A.P. Residential Educational Institutions Society, Hyderabad has requested the Government for extension of the benefit of enhancement of age of superannuation from (58) to (60) years to the employees of A.P.R.E.I. Society, Hyderabad
  3. After careful examination of the matter, Government hereby extend the benefit of the enhancement of age of superannuation from (58) to (60) years to the employees of the Andhra Pradesh mentioned in G.O. 3rd read above to serve the State of A.P. working in A.P. Residential Educational Institutions Society, Hyderabad and to the person working in the institutions located in the 13 Districts of Andhra Pradesh.
  4. This orders will come into force with effect from the date of issue of the orders.The Secretary, A.P. Residential Educational Institutions Society, Hyderabad shall take necessary action, accordingly.
  5. This orders issues with the concurrence of Finance (HRM-IV) Department vide their U.O. No.4047/225/HRM. IV/2015, dated 17.06.201 he Secretary, A.P. Residential Educational Institutions Society, Hyderabad shall take necessary action, accordingly.
  6. This orders issues with the concurrence of Finance (HRM-IV) Department vide their U.O. No.4047/225/HRM. IV/2015, dated 17.06.201
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