Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Award Selection list for Best Educational News Notification, Guidelines 2021

Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Award Selection list for Best Educational News Notification, Guidelines 2021 : The Department of School Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh announced Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Award for Best Educational News Feature in Print Media – One Award each for English and Telugu and in Electronic Media – One Award. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Award for recognise outstanding contribution in Journalism in the field of Education Reporting in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

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Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Award for Best Educational News Features in Print & Electronic Media Notification and Selection list  2021

The award will carry an amount of Rs 25,00/- in cash and a citation to be given for outstanding contribution in Journalism in Education through Telugu and English Newspaper/Magazines/Electronic Media published in India. In total three awards would be given away:

Hence the advertisement will be given to invite applications for three awards

  • Best Educational News Feature – English Print Media
  • Best Educational News Feature – Telugu Print Media
  • Best Educational News Feature – Electronic Media Frequency Once a year.

6. Eligibility

An individual who has written educational news feature (on primary, upper primary and high school education) in a newspaper or magazine or broadcasted a news feature in a television channel which makes a significant contribution for enhancement/promotion of Education in Andhra Pradesh is eligible for this award. An individual can send up to three entries for an award.

7. Administration of the Award

A judging committee nominated by secretary, School Education, under the chairmanship of an eminent journalist, three eminent journalists (one each for Telugu, English and Electronic Media), will decide the awards.

8. Evaluation Criteria

Area coverage in extent, content, relevance and quality for improvement in Education to create awareness among general people as well as policy makers.

9. Procedure

  • All the news features published in newspapers or magazines during January 1st 2015 to December 31st 2015 and all the news features telecasted in television channels during January 1st 2015 to December 31st 2015 are eligible for applying for the awards.
  • Nomination/Applications for three awards will be accepted till January 31th 2016.
  • Print Media applicants will have to send 4 copies of their published feature along with the application form.
  • The Electronic Media applicants will have to send 4 copies of their telecasted feature on CD along with the application form.
  • The judging committee will screen the nominations, identify outstanding application received.
  • If not suitable applications have been received, there will be no award in that category.
  • Every application will have to submit a declaration with the application that the information filed in the application is true.
  • Applications have to be endorsed by the head of their institution.

10. Presentation

The presentation of award will be made in the month of March.

Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Award for Best Educational News Features in Print & Electronic Media 

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