Bodh ShikshaLokam Learning App – EMIC Self Learning Programme for all Teachers Date. 23/03/2020

Bodh ShikshaLokam Learning App – EMIC Self Learning Programme for all Teachers Date. 23/03/2020

Bodh ShikshaLokam Learning App – EMIC Self Learning Programme for all Teachers Date. 23/03/2020: Self learning programme for all teachers through ‘BODH-SHIKSHALOKAM’ APP instructions released. Sub: School Education – EMIC – Self Learning Programme for all Teachers(who underwent CLEP training during February’2020) through ‘BodhShiksha lokam’ App Instructions – Issued. The District Educational Officers, Principals of DIETs, Academic Monitoring Officers, Mandal Educational Officers, Key Resource Persons, State Resource Persons and District Resource Persons in the state are hereby informed that we are all aware of the Social distancing and self quarantine which is mandated at present in the wake of Covid-19.

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Bodh ShikshaLokam Learning App – EMIC Self Learning Programme for all Teachers Date. 23/03/2020

Bodh ShikshaLokam Learning App - EMIC Self Learning Programme for all Teachers Date. 23/03/2020

Bodh ShikshaLokam Learning App - EMIC Self Learning Programme for all Teachers Date. 23/03/2020

▪️ బోధ్ శిక్షా లోకం ఆండ్రాయిడ్ యాప్ ద్వారా Self Learning Programme ప్రారంభించిన విద్యాశాఖ
▪️ ఫిబ్రవరి నెలలో ఇంగ్లీష్ శిక్షణ పొందిన ఉపాధ్యాయులుకు
▪️ అందరూ ఉపాధ్యాయులు ప్లే స్టోర్ నుండి ఆండ్రాయిడ్ యాప్ ను డౌన్లోడ్ చేసుకోవాలి
▪️ కింది లింకు ద్వారా ఆండ్రాయిడ్ యాప్ డౌన్లోడ్ చేసుకో గలరు

All the District Educational Officers, Principals of DIETs, Academic Monitoring Officers, Mandal Educational Officers, Key Resource Persons, State Resource Persons and District Resource Persons in the state are hereby informed that we are all aware of the Social distancing and self quarantine which is mandated at present in the wake of Covid-19.

In order to utilise the time at home qualitatively, a self learning module has been designed for Teachers which includes, Self learning materials, Videos and Online Tests. They are hereby requested to follow the instructions issued here under scrupulously.

• Teachers are requested to religiously follow the module and make use of the leisure time available which will improve their English and learning techniques.

• All Teachers are requested to download the ‘Bodh’ app by Shiksha lokam at the playstore.

Their login will be the Treasury ID and password is abc@123.

A google form is floated to all Teachers to give us details on login issues, app issues and tests attended by you. Any queries/problems related to login may be written so that we can rectify from our end.
• DEOs will be the administrative incharge to conduct this digital training and DIET principals will be the course monitoring officer.
• One key resource person is made incharge of one District who will monitor the self learning progress in the allotted district and the deatils of KRP is given in Annexure I.
• All the resource persons are responsible for their respective Districts under the supervision of DIET principals and DEOs. SRPS should form a WhatsApp group with the DRPS mapped to them. DRPs should form a group with the Teachers mapped to them along with their respective MEO.
• All the links of the self learning material will be shared in the SRP group which should be immediately forwarded to all the other groups.
• The WhatsApp group should be only used for self learning materials sharing and nothing else. The WhatsApp groups are not to be spammed with any panic information or entertainment which is to be strictly monitored by the SRPs.
• The teachers mapped to each DRP/SRP will be shared along with their mobile number to form the groups. Daily dashboard will be shared in the SRPs group for monitoring and ensuring involvement of the teachers.
• Another ten days will be piloted and any issue that arises will be sorted and settled soon to make it a full fledged course.
• All teachers are requested to extend full support to make this a Digital revolution in Teacher training.
• Topics that are covered daily from 23.3.2020 and study links are given below in the Annexures II to V. Teachers are requested to study the topics and answer the tests as the progress of each teacher will be monitored at the headquarters through the app.
• Everyday all the Teachers have to read the resource link for the topic, answer the test related to the topic, watch the webinar allotted for the day, and answer questions related to the webinar video. And one language game to be watched from the AP SCERT link daily.

All District Educational Officers in the state are requested to communicate the above instructions to all the DIET Principals, AMOs, MEOs, KRPs, SRPs, DRPs and to the teachers concerned with instructions to follow the above guidelines without fail. All DEOs, DIET Principals and Mandal Educational Officers are requested to monitor the programme.

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Bodh ShikshaLokam Learning App Download
Bodh ShikshaLokam Learning App Guidelines Download

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