APSWREIS Contract Teachers Time Scale PRC 2022 AP Social Welfare Contract Teachers Minimum Salary

APSWREIS Contract Teachers Time Scale PRC 2022 AP Social Welfare Contract Teachers Minimum Salary

APSWREIS Contract Teachers Time Scale PRC 2022 AP Social Welfare Contract Teachers Minimum Salary Enhancement in Revised Pay Scale 2022 : AP Social Welfare Contract Teachers PRC 2022 Minimum Time Scale Salary Enhancement of Remuneration of Social Welfare Contract Teachers AP Social Welfare Schools Colleges Salaries Enhancement Contract Teachers Enhancement of Remuneration of the Contract Teachers working in APSWR Institutions w.e.f. 01.01.2022 – Orders – Issued AP Social Welfare Schools Colleges Contract Employees Minimum Time Scale in PRC 2022.
AP Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society MEMO  Rc.No. Accounts/CT/15021(31)/1/2020-1 Dated: 28.02.2022. Sub:- APSWREIS – Accounts Section – Enhancement of Remuneration of the Contract Teachers working in APSWR Institutions w.e.f. 01.01.2022 – Orders – Issued – Regarding.

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APSWREIS Contract Teachers Time Scale PRC 2022 AP Social Welfare Contract Teachers Minimum Salary Enhancement in Revised Pay Scale 2022


  • 1. G.O.Ms.No.5, FINANCE(HR-Plg.&Policy) Department, Dated: 17.01.2022.
  • 2. U.O.Note Rc.No.11021/10/2021-GEN, Dated:24.02.2022 of General Section of this Office.
  • 3. Note orders of the Secretary, APSWREI Society, Tadepalli, Guntur District.


In the reference 1st read above, the Government have extension of Minimum of Time scale (MTS) in Revised Pay Scales, 2022 w.e.f. 01.01.2022 (January, 2022 pay) to the Contract Employees engaging in the Government Departments, Universities, Societies, KGBV and Model Schools in the relevant posts in which the employees are working.

In this connection, General Section of this Office issued U.O.Note to Finance Section to implement the RPS-2022 Minimum Time Scales (MTS) to the Contract Employees engaged in APSWREI Society in the respective relevant posts in which they are working. APSWREIS Contract Teachers Time Scale PRC 2022 AP Social Welfare Contract Teachers Minimum Salary Enhancement in Revised Pay Scale 2022.

Accordingly, the monthly remuneration of Contract Teachers is enhanced as given below as per Go.Ms.No.1 FINANCE(HR-Plg.&Policy) Department, Dated:17.01.2022.

AP Social Welfare Contract Teachers Minimum Salary Enhancement

S.No Name of the Designation Basic pay as
per PRC-2015
Basic pay as per
PRC 2022
1 Art/ Craft/ Music 2,1230 32,670 11,440
2 PD/PET gsrmaths.in 21,230 32,670 11,440
3 Health Supervisor 22,460 34,580 12,120
4 Junior Lecturer 35,120 54,060 18,940
5 Librarian 35,120 54,060 18,940
6 Post Graduate Teacher 31,460 48,440 16,980
7 Trained Graduate Teacher 28,940 44,570 15,630

The above enhanced remuneration is effective from 01.01.2022.

Therefore, the Principals of APSWR Institutions are hereby instructed to claim the enhanced remunerations to the Contract Employees working in their Institutions accordingly.

The Principals/DCOs are informed that, if any deviation is noticed in the respective relevant posts in which they are working sanction, the action taken against the concerned DCO/ Principal as and when it comes to light without any notice.

APSWREIS Contract Teachers Time Scale PRC 2022 

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