APOEMS Employee Entry DATA Sheet for Uploading forms and images

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Andhra Pradesh Online Educational Management System (APOEMS)
complete details
  1. The andhra pradesh state government will be launched the
    EMS  programme
  2. The Education Management System (EMS) is a Management
    Information System designed to manage the information about an education
  3. An EMIS is a repository for data collection, processing,
    analyzing and reporting of educational information including schools, students,
    teachers and staff.
  4. The EMIS information is used by Ministries of Education,
    NGOs, researchers, donors and other education stakeholders for research; policy
    and planning; monitoring and evaluation; and decision making.
  5. EMIS information is specifically used to create indicators
    that monitor the performance of an education system and to manage the
    distribution and allocation of educational resources and services.

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