AP Summative Exam Conduct Modified Orders in AP Schools GO 105 No external evaluation

AP GO 105 Sum SA 1, SA 2,SA 3 Conducting Exams to the students form Classes VI to X in all schools in the State of AP irrespective of managements, Modifications for conduction of common summative @ Evaluation of answer scripts SA 1, SA 2, SA 3 Exams. Andhra Pradesh School Education Department – Conducting Common Examinations to the students from Classes VI to X in all schools in the State of Andhra Pradesh irrespective of managements – Modification orders – Issued. AP SCHOOL EDUCATION (PROG.II) DEPARTMENT G.O.MS.No. 105 Dated: 20-09-2016.

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Read the following:-

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1. G.O.Ms.No.12, School Education (Prog.II) Dept., dated 25.02.2016.
2. G.O.Ms.No.20, School Education (Prog.II) Dept., dated 28.03.2016.
3. G.O.Ms.No.32, School Education (Prog.II) Dept., dated 24.05.2016.

Read More :  10th Class Subject wise Material Download


1. Government have issued orders to conduct Common Summative Examinations for the students of classes VI to X in all schools in the State of Andhra Pradesh irrespective of managements in the G.O. 2nd read above.

2. Government, after careful examination of the matter, have decided to issue amendment in partial modification of the orders issued under para 4 B (2) (iv) of the G.O. Ms. No.20, SE (Prog.II) Dept. dated 28.03.2016 and accordingly, hereby issue following amendment to the said G.O. 

No external evaluation for 6th Class and 7th Class for SA 1, SA 2 & SA 3, For 8th, 9th, 10th External Evaluating for SA3 only. G.O105 dt 20/9/2016 


For Read As
under para 4 B (2) (iv) : 
Evaluation of answer scripts of the Summative 1, Summative 2 & Summative 3 of classes VI to
IX and of Summative 1 & Summative 2 of Class X shall be made in the neighboring Mandal duly following the jumbling procedure. Teachers in Government and Private Schools will be involved in evaluation. Care should be taken by the DEO to ensure evaluation by the same medium school teachers.
a. Evaluation of answer scripts of the Summative 1, Summative 2, & Summative 3 of classes VI & VII and Summative 1 & 2 of classes VIII to X shall be done at School level.
b. Evaluation of answer scripts of Summative 3 of class VIII and Class IX shall be done by external evaluators duly following the jumbling procedure. For giving weightage to Class VIII and Class IX marks in Class X, only externally evaluated marks will be taken into consideration.
c. Further, 5% of answer scripts of all subjects of Summative 1 and Summative 2 will be randomly selected for all schools for classes VI to X and evaluated by the Special Team nominated by the District Educational Officers under the supervision of the Deputy Educational Officers.
d. Observer shall be deployed to ensure that no malpractices take place in the examination. Flying squads can also be deployed by the DEO, if it is required to ensure the sanctity and integrity of summative examination process.

2. The Commissioner of School Education, A.P. Hyderabad shall take further necessary action in the matter. 

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AP GO 105 Summative Exams Conduct New Guidelines Download 

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