AP Schools Conduct School Day Celebration Guidelines – Vasanthostavam

AP Schools Conduct Annual Day Celebrations Vasanthostavam from 10th to 20th April, 2016. AP RC 412 Guidelines of Annual School Day celebrations in all MPPS/ MPUPS/ ZPHS/ GHS/ KGBVs/ Model Schools in the State in the name of “VASANTHOSTAVAM” during 10th to 20th April, 2017. AP RC.N0.412/A&ll2016 Dated: 04-10-2016. Sub: School Education Hon’ble Minister for HRD, Govt. of A.P. Conducting of Annual Day Celebrations in all MPPS/ MPUPS/ ZPHS/ GHS KGBVs/ Model Schools in the state in the name of “VASANTHOSTAVAM”. Instructions Issued.

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AP RC 412 Annual Day Celebrations VASANTHOSTAVAM Guidelines

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Read : Govt. Memo.No.351818/General/A2/2016, Dated: 19-09-2016.

In enclosing a copy of the Government Memo read above, all the District Educational Officers in the State are informed that in the reference read above the Hon’ble Minister for HRD, Government of Andhra Pradesh directed that the Annual Day Celebrations should be organized in all MPPS/MPUPS/ZPHS/GHS/KGBVs/Model Schools in the State on the name of “VASANTHOSTAVAM” soon after completion of Annual Exams for this academic year 2016-17.

Therefore, all the District Educational Officers in the State are instructed to issue suitable instructions to the Deputy Educational Officers, Headmasters and Mandal Educational Officers in‘ their respective jurisdiction to conduct Annual School Day celebrations in all MPPSIMPUPS/ZPHS/GHS/KGBVs/Model Schools in the State in the name of “VASANTHOSTAVAM” during 10th to 20th April, 2017 in their respective Districts duly involving all the Parents Guardians and Philanthropists. The said programme should be conducted in a grand manner with cultural programmes by the students and felicitation of best performing students by inviting local people’s representatives and eminent persons belonging to local area to motivate the students and submit compliance report in the matter. 

The Headmasters should present the Annual report of the school at this programme covering overall enrolment, school students performance, teachers training, best practice, new initiatives taken up in the school for quality improvement, special achievements of the teacher and student, infrastructure improvement, special mention of donors, mentors and support provided by them etc. 

Top Priority should be given to this item of work and arrangements should be made well in advance. 

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