AP Rc.No:375/B/TE/SCERT/2015 C.R.Ps in Place of DRGs temporarily for the year 2015-16 at Mandal Level
AP Rc.No:375/B/TE/SCERT/2015 Dt.12-08-15 C.R.Ps in Place of DRGs temporarily for the year 2015-16 at Mandal Level
SCERT, A.P., Hyderabad Conduct of In-service Training to the Teachers of Primary Schools/Sections for the year 2015-16 at Mandal Level in the month of 3rd August, 2015 to 11th September, 2015 Tag up of C.R.Ps in Place of DRGs temporarily
1) This office proc Rc.No. Even, dated: 21-7-2015
2) This office Proc. Rc. No. Even, dated:30-7-2015
- In continuation to the office proceedings references road above, all the District Educational Officers , Project Officers of SSA and Principals of DIETs of Andhra Pradesh State are requested to indentify and tag up the Cluster Resource Persons (CRPs) in place of DRGs temporarily till the Mandal level trainings are completed and they may be paid Honorarium of Rs.150 per day.
- Further they are informed that if more number of DRGs are from one mandal, and C.R.Ps are not adequate then, identify C.R.Ps from other mandal and tag up in the place of DRGs. They are also requested to furnish the Phone numbers and address of the school to the C.R.Ps.
- Further the HMs of concerned schools where C.R.Ps are tag up may be informed to complete the syllabus as per the academic calendar and certify the completion of syllabus for releasing the honorarium to C.R.Ps
- The expenditure may be met from DPO management cost of SSA.
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