AP R.C.No.276/PS-1/2014-3 Date:19-06-2015,Appointment of qualified teachers in private un-aided schools

Andra Pradesh R.C.No.276/PS-1/2014-3 Date:19-06-2015,Appointment of qualified teachers in private un-aided schools 

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Right to Education Act-2009 – Appointment of qualified teachers in private un-aided schools – Instructions issued – Regarding.
Read: G.O.Ms.No.1, Education, dt:01-01-1994.

The Regional Join Directors and the District Educational Officers are informed as per the sub-rule.1 of Rule.12 of G.O.Ms.No.1, Education, dt:01- 01-1994, the educational agency shall appoint staff as per the staffing pattern prescribed by the Government and all staff shall conform to the qualifications prescribed by the Government from time to time. Hence, in all educational institutions including private institutions/schools appropriately qualified teachers are to be appointed.

Further, as per the provisions of Right to Education (RTE) Act-2009 all the institutions under all managements have to engage only qualified and trained Personnel to teach in all classes. In Andhra Pradesh State adequate number of qualified candidates is available for appointment under different categories/subjects in view of sufficient number of B.Ed & D.Ed Colleges.
Therefore, all the Regional Join Directors and the District Educational Officers are instructed to undertake a review and ensure that only qualified personnel are appointed in private un-aided schools.

 To ensure this they are requested to take the following measures:

  1. 1. Issue instructions to all the private un-aided institutions to submit the list of teachers, working in their school along with the copies of the relevant certificates.
  2. 2. At the time of inspection the Deputy Educational Officer/ Mandal Educational Officer shall verify and certify that only qualified teachers are working.
  3. 3. Periodic checks should be made in Private Un-aided schools to ensure that qualified teachers are working on a regular basis in the said institution.
  4. 4. Initiate action by way of show cause notice, cancellation of permission/recognition of the institution, etc. if the institution fails to follow these rules.
  5. 5. Any such incidences should be reported to the Commissioner of School Education from time to time.

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