AP Rc No:1 CC Cameras in SSC March 2016 Public Examination Centers

AP SSC Public Exams March 2016 – Supply and installation of 4 CC Cameras in each center at 5 examination centers of each district in all 13 Districts ofAndhra Pradesh. AP Rc No.1 Dt:23-02-2016 the installation of CC Cameras in SSC March 2016 Examination Centers in all 13 districts of Andhra Pradesh. AP Govt has been decided to install CC Cameras in SSC/10th Class Examination Centers March-2016.

Arrange CC Cameras in SSC March 2016 Examination Centers as per RC 1

The complete Rc No.1 Dt:23-02-2016 regarding the installation of CC Cameras in SSC March 2016 Examination Centers is as follows.

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          It is hearby informed that the Govt. have decided to install CC Cameras in five centers of each district for the SSC Public Exams March-2016. The firm M/s UVC Medial Sales, Hyderabad has been selected for the purpose of installation of CC Cameras in 65 centers in all the 13 districts, i.e five centers in each districts.

        The authorized person of M/s UVC Media Sales will approach the DEO concerned along with material. The DEO have to furnish the address and location of 5 exam centers and procide the help required to then for installation fo CC cameras at the center. M/s UVC Media Sales authorized person will be impart training to four persons CS, DO, and two SGTs. The SGTs shall not be related to the SSC work and ensure that the SGTs so selected have basic computer knowledge. The M/s UVC Media Sales representative will attend any technical problem that may arise.

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         The cameras and other material that are installed at the center are the property of the Govt. and the CS and DO ensure their safety . The CS and DO have to be in constant touch with the M/s UVC Media Sales representative at the district Head Quarters for any technical help.
         They have to ensure that one system/ Monitor is made available in the center so that the visiting official can see the live functioning of CC Cameras as desired. Out of the four cameras one has to be fixed in the entrance/corridor

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