AP RC 375, Selection of DRGs for In-Service primary Teacher Trainings

AP  SCERT Conduct   of   in-service   Teacher Training Programme at Primary Level for the year 2015-16   Selection of District Resource Groups (DRGs)  Further instructions issued 

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The attention of District Educational Officers,  DIET Principals and Project Officers of SSA in the State is invited to reference 1st cited, where in they were requested to select the DRGs under  four  categories  i.e.,

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  1.  1)  classes  I  &  II  Mathematics   
  2. 2)  classes  I  &  II  Telugu
  3. 3) classes III-V English
  4. 4) classes III-V Mathematics for conduct of in-service teacher training programmes at Primary level for the year 2015-16.

  • Further, a meeting was held with DIET Principals and AMO of SSA on 29-6-2015 at SCERT to discuss on selection of DRGs and modalities on conduct of training programmes in districts. During the meeting a detailed discussion was held on the type of training programmes to be conducted to the teachers so as to train all the teachers in the subjects they are teaching in their respective schools. Finally keeping in view the MHRD guidelines and teaching of different subjects by teachers at primary level, it was decided to conduct training programmes in three subject areas i.e., Telugu, English and Mathematics in classes I-V with a duration of five days each. In view of this, they are requested to select DRGs under three categories only i.e., Telugu, English and Mathematics instead of four categories as requested earlier.   The procedure communicated earlier for selection of DRGs holds good.
  • With regard to deputation of teachers to training programmes, it was decided to follow the below mentioned norms.
  • Single teacher shall be exempted from the training programme in this phase. A separate session will be conducted to these teachers.
  • If there are two teachers in a school, they shall be compulsorily deputed to Telugu and Mathematics trainings @ one to each training.
  • In case of three teachers, they shall be deputed to all the three trainings @ one for each to Telugu, English and Mathematics based on the subjects teaching by them in their schools. If the number of teachers is more than three, the additional teachers shall be deputed keeping in view the subjects being taught by them in the schools.
  • Like wise the teachers shall be deputed to trainings as per the norms mentioned above It was also decided in the meeting that the training programmes to Primary School teachers shall be completed in six (6) spells i.e., 30 working days.
  • Hence the DIET Principals are requested to decide the number of DRGs required under three  subject  areas  i.e.,  Telugu,  English  and  Mathematics  based  on the  number  of schools functioning with single teachers, two teachers, three teachers etc., and complete the process by 10th of July, 2015 as it is decided to commence the training of the DRGs 3rd week of July 2015 onwards. Mean while they are requested to furnish the number of DRGs required under three subject areas by 5th  July 2015 to SCERT in order to identify the venue and make necessary arrangements for DRG training programmes

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