AP RC 25 Dt. 09-09-2015 Revised teachers Rationalization / Transfer's Guidelines and Norms

AP teachers Rationalization Guidelines , Teachers Transfer’s Norms , GO 25 , School Education , Clarification of Rationalization , modification of Rationalization / Transfer’s Guidelines , Cut off dates , District wise Vacancies ,Seniority list , Rationalization Schools , 2013 teachers Transfer’s relieve , Special Points

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AP RC 25 Dt. 09-09-2015 Revised teachers Rationalization /  Transfer’s Guidelines and Norms

Andra Pradesh Rc.No. 25/Estt.III/2015 ,Dated:09-09-2015 , School Education – Rationalization / transfers – Headmasters and Teachers – Guidelines – Issued

  1. 1. G.O.Ms.No. 63, Education (Ser.II) Department dated 31.08.2015
  2. 2. G.O.Ms.No.66, Education (Ser.II) Department, dated 02.09.2015
  3. 3. Rc.No. 25/Estt.III/2015, Dated:03-09-2015

In continuation of the orders issued in the reference 3rd read above, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the State are informed that, some of the District Educational Officers and certain teacher associations have requested for clarifications / modifications.  After examining the issue,  the following instructions / guidelines are issued for taking necessary action in the matter.

AP teachers Rationalisation revised Guidelines :

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  1. i) Rationalisation in respect of the identified Adarsha Pradhamika Patasala (Model Primary School) shall be taken up as per the norms given in G.O.Ms.No.39, Edn., dated  07.08.2015 to G.O.Ms.No.51, Edn., dated 07.08.2015 issued to the respective districts.
  2. ii) After issue of G.Os, certain representations were received by the Department  that, some of the Primary Schools are consolidated without justification.  Primary Schools with over 80 enrolment are not identified as Model Primary Schools, etc. All the District Educational officers / Regional Joint Directors of School Education were instructed in CSE Rc.No. 25/Estt.III/2015, dated 08.08.2015 to once again re-verify the list of selected schools and submit the modifications required, if any. All the District Educational Officers have submitted the revised lists. Government orders will be issued as proposed by the DEOs mean while the District Educational Officers should take further action on the revised final lists of the Adarsha Pradhamika Paatasala (Model Primary Schools) as proposed by them for rationalization /transfers.
  3. iii) For all the Primary Schools (other than Model Primary Schools) including the positively consolidated schools, the norms prescribed in G.O.Ms.No.55, Edn., dated 23.04.2011 and relevant provision of G.O.Ms.No.61, Edn., dated 16.05.2011 should be followed.
  4. iv) Only rationalization of Primary Schools should be taken up primary sections in upper primary schools should not be included.
  5. v) The LFL Headmasters should be provided (a) to the Aadarsha Pradhamika Paatasala (Model Primary School) where the enrolment is more than 130. (b) the balance of the LFL HM posts may be allotted to the Mandals proportionate to the enrolment, and LFL HM posts should be provided to the Primary Schools based on enrolment in descending order in the Mandal.

How to Identification of surplus post / teacher in School Level: 

  1. a) In respect of Aadarsha Pradhamika Paatasala (Model Primary School) and Positive Consolidation of Schools, the posts / junior teachers from the less enrolment schools to more enrolment schools shall be identified as surplus. In case a senior is willing to go, he may be transferred.
  2. b) The balance of LFL HM post may ne allotted to the Mandals proportionate to the enrollement in descending order either to Aadarsha Pradhamika Paatasala (Model Primary School) or to other primary schools.

The cut off date for Transfer’s: 

  1. (a) The cut off date is to be taken as 31.08.2015 as per G.O.Ms.No.66, Edn., dated 02.09.2015 for the purpose of transfer.
  2. (b) For the purpose of enrolment the Aadhaar seeded data available upto April, 2015 shall be taken into consideration. (as no authentic or updated data after April, 2015 is readily available). Further, rationalization exercise is usually undertaken on the basis of previous years enrollment.

Guidelines of   Relief of 2013 Transferred teachers:

  1. (a) The teachers who were given transfer orders in the year 2013 and who were not relieved for want of substitute may be relieved after Rationalization exercise and if need is established in the opted / transfer place.
  2. (b) Where the need is not established after rationalization exercise, all such transfer orders issued in the year 2013 may be cancelled to allow them for apply for online transfer in the present counseling. (as per Govt. Memo.No.13329/Ser.II/2012, Dated:16.06.2015
  3. (c) The teachers who were transferred in the counseling in the year 2013 and not relieved for want of substitute, and not willing to be relieved now, all such transfer orders may be cancelled. (as per Govt. Memo.No. 50315/Ser.II/A2/2015, dated 03.09.2015) if they have not completed 8 years.

Special Points in Transfer’s :

  The President / General Secretary of all recognised Teacher Associations will get the special points.

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